HHS ASPE Publications, Administrative Data and Research - Overview

Published: March 5, 2018
Administrative Data for Research and Improvement
HHS ASPE Publications, Administrative Data and Research | Learn more about this project

Responsibilities of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, include coordinating the Department’s research and evaluation activities, carrying out its own research activities, and developing policy analyses. Listed below are ASPE reports that either use linked administrative data for research, or focus on the development of linked data systems to support research or services.

Effects of the CCDF Subsidy Program on the Employment Outcomes of Low-Income Mothers

Strength in Numbers: Supporting Quality Improvement in Early Care and Education Programs through Linking Administrative Data

The Feasibility of Using Electronic Health Data for Research on Small Populations

Improving Data for Decision Making: HHS Data Collection Strategies for a Transformed Health System [HHS Data Council Report]

Data Direction 5: Linking data to understand children’s academic progress from early care and education through elementary school [PDF]

Data Direction 5: Linking data to understand children’s academic progress from early care and education through elementary school [PDF]

Last Reviewed: March 14, 2018