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Archives - Testimony & Speeches


Gloria Jarmon
Testimony of Gloria L. Jarmon, Deputy Inspector General for the Office of Audit Services, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations: "Examining the Costly Failures of ObamaCare's CO-OP Insurance Loans"
Gary Cantrell
Testimony of Gary Cantrell, Deputy Inspector General for Investigations, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services before the Senate Special Committee on Aging: "Protecting Seniors from Identity Theft: Is the Federal Government Doing Enough?"
John Hagg
Testimony of John Hagg, Director of Medicaid Audits, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health: Strengthening Medicaid Program Integrity and Closing Loopholes
Gregory Demske
Testimony of Gregory Demske, Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, Office of Counsel to the Inspector General, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations: "Continuing Concerns with the Federal Select Agent Program: Department of Defense Shipments of Live Anthrax"
Ann Maxwell
Testimony of Ann Maxwell, Assistant Inspector General, Office of Evaluation and Inspections, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations: Medicare Part D: Measures Needed to Strengthen Program Integrity
Ann Maxwell
Testimony of Ann Maxwell, Assistant Inspector General, Office of Evaluation and Inspections, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health: Examining the 340B Drug Pricing Program
Gary Cantrell
Testimony of Gary Cantrell, Deputy Inspector General for Investigations, Office of Investigations, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services before the House Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight: Fraud in Medicare


Statement for the Hearing Record: Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, United States Senate, Special Committee on Aging: Admitted or Not? The Impact of Medicare Observation Status on Seniors
John Hagg
Testimony of John Hagg, Director of Medicaid Audits, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health Care and Entitlements: Examining the Federal Government's Failure to Curb Wasteful State Medicaid Financing Schemes
Kay Daly and Joyce Greenleaf
Testimony of Kay Daly, Assistant Inspector General, Office of Audit Services and Joyce Greenleaf, Regional Inspector General, Office of Evaluation and Inspections, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Health: Failure To Verify: Concerns Regarding PPACA's Eligibility System
Gary Cantrell
Testimony of Gary Cantrell, Deputy Inspector General for Investigations before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations on Medicare Program Integrity: Screening Out Errors, Fraud, and Abuse
Brian P. Ritchie
Testimony of Brian P. Ritchie, Acting Deputy Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health Care and Entitlements: Medicare Mismanagement: Oversight of the Federal Government Efforts to Recapture Misspent Funds
Jodi D. Nudelman
Testimony of Jodi D. Nudelman, Regional Inspector General for Office of Evaluation and Inspections before the House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Health: Current Hospital Issues in the Medicare Program
Gloria Jarmon
Testimony of Gloria Jarmon, Deputy of Inspector General for Audit Services, before the House Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health: Ideas to Improve Medicare Oversight to Reduce Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
Brian Martens
Testimony of Brian Martens, Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Miami Region before the Senate Special Committee on Aging: Preventing Medicare Fraud: How Can We Best Protect Seniors and Taxpayers
Gloria Jarmon Testimony of Gloria Jarmon, Deputy Inspector General for Audit Services, before the House Committee on Education and Workforce, Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education: The Foundation for Success: Strengthening the Child Care and Development Block Grant Program.
Robert A. Vito
Testimony of Robert A. Vito, Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health: Keeping the Promise: How Better Managing Medicare Can Protect Seniors


Kay Daly
Testimony of Kay Daly, Assistant Inspector General for Audit Services, before the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security Technologies - "The Threat to Americans' Personal Information: A Look Into the Security and Reliability of the Health Exchange Data Hub"
Gary Cantrell and Stuart Wright
Testimony of Gary Cantrell, Deputy Inspector General for Investigations and Stuart Wright, Deputy Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections, Office of Inspector General before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on Curbing Prescription Drug Abuse in Medicare
Daniel R. Levinson
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General, before the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies - "Top Management Challenges at the Department of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education"
View a Video of the Testimony


John Hagg
Testimony of John Hagg, Director of Medicaid Audits, before the Subcommittee on Government Organization, Efficiency and Financial Management; and Subcommittee on Health Care, District of Columbia, Census and the National Archives of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Medicaid payment rates for New York State-operated developmental centers.
View a Video of the Testimony
Statement for the record of Gregory E. Demske, Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, Physician Payment Reporting Provisions in Corporate Integrity Agreements, at the United States Senate Special Committee on Aging Roundtable: "Let the Sunshine In: Implementing the Physician Payments
Sunshine Act"
Ann Maxwell
Testimony of Ann Maxwell, Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security on Saving Taxpayer Dollars by Curbing Waste and Fraud in Medicaid

Robert Vito
Testimony of Robert A. Vito, Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections, before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on Medicare Contractors' Efforts to Fight Fraud - Moving Beyond "Pay and Chase."

06-07-2012Ann Maxwell
Testimony of Ann Maxwell, Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections, before the Subcommittee on Government Organization, Efficiency and Financial Management of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on assessing Medicare and Medicaid program integrity

Dan Levinson05-22-2012
Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson Keynote Address before the Health Care Compliance Association 2012 Compliance Institute on April 30, 2012

Dan Levinson04-24-2012
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance - "Anatomy of a Fraud Bust: From Investigation to Conviction"


Gary CantrellTestimony of Gary Cantrell, Assistant Deputy Inspector General for Investigations before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight & Government Reform; Subcommittee on Government Organization, Efficiency and Financial Management; and Subcommittee on Health Care, District of Columbia, Census and the National Archives - "A Medicaid Fraud Victim Speaks Out: What's Going Wrong and Why?"
Dan Levinson11-30-2011
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Aging - "Overprescribed: The Human and Taxpayers' Costs of Antipsychotics in Nursing Homes"
Dan Levinson Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General, before the House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on Government Organization, Efficiency and Financial Management on Improper Medicare Payments
Lewis Morris and witnessesTestimony of Lewis Morris, Chief Counsel to the Inspector General before the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs, Subcommittee on Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security on Harnessing Technology and Innovation to Cut Waste and Curb Fraud in Federal Health Programs
Overmedication of Nursing Home Patients Troubling By Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services
Testimony of Gerald Roy (PDF), Deputy Inspector General for Investigations before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight & Government Reform, Subcommittee on Health Care, District of Columbia, Census and the National Archives - A Perspective on Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Within The Medicare and Medicaid Programs
View entire hearing
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General (PDF), before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies on Improper Payments
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General (PDF), before the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs, Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security on New Tools for Curbing Waste and Fraud in Medicare and Medicaid
Committee Website
Direct link to the webcast
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General (PDF), before the United States Senate Committee on Finance Hearing on Preventing Health Care Fraud: New Tools and Approaches to Combat Old Challenges
View entire hearing
Testimony of Lewis Morris (PDF), Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, before the Subcommittee on Oversight of the United States House Ways and Means Committee on Improving Efforts to Combat Health Care Fraud
Testimony of Gerald Roy (PDF), Deputy Inspector General for Investigations before the House Energy & Commerce Committee on Waste, Fraud and Abuse: A Continuing Threat to Medicare and Medicaid.
Committee Website
Direct link to the webcast
Testimony of Omar Perez (PDF), Special Agent with the Office of Inspector General before the before the House Energy & Commerce Committee on Waste, Fraud and Abuse: A Continuing Threat to Medicare and Medicaid.



Prepared remarks by Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson at the Workshop Regarding Accountable Care Organizations (PDF)
Testimony of Gerald Roy (PDF), Deputy Inspector General for Investigations, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on Investigative Oversight of the Indian Health Service's Aberdeen Area
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General (PDF), before the Subcommittee on Health of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on cutting waste, fraud, and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General (PDF), before the Subcommittee on Health of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on the integrity of Medicare's coverage of durable medical equipment and supplies (DME)
Testimony of Robert A. Vito (PDF), Acting Assistant Inspector General, CMS Audits, before the Subcommittees on Federal Financial Management of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Preventing and Recovering Government Payment Errors
Testimony of Lewis Morris (PDF), Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, before the Subcommittees on Health and Oversight of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee on Reducing Fraud, Waste and Abuse in Medicare
Testimony of Jodi Nudelman (PDF), Regional Inspector General for Evaluations and Inspections, before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on the safety of the nation's food supply
Summary of IG Compliance Keynote Address to the Health Care Compliance Association (PDF)
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General (PDF) before the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies of the House Committee on Appropriations on efforts to combat health care fraud, waste, and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid
Testimony of Timothy J. Menke (PDF), Deputy Inspector General for Investigations Before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the House Committee on the Judiciary on law enforcement activities to combat Medicare and Medicaid fraud
Testimony of Omar Perez (PDF), Special Agent with the Office of Inspector General Before the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies of the House Committee on Appropriations on investigative efforts to combat Medicare and Medicaid fraud
Testimony of Robert Vito (PDF), Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security, on Oversight Challenges In The Medicare Prescription Drug Program
Conflicts of Interest: Trust but Verify: Remarks of Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson (PDF)


Testimony of Lewis Morris (PDF), Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, before the United States Senate Special Committee on Aging on Commercial Sponsorship of Continuing Medical Education
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General (PDF), before the Subcommittee on Health of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Health Care Reform: Opportunities to Address Waste, Fraud and Abuse
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General (PDF), before the Senate Special Committee on Aging on fraud in the Medicare and Medicaid programs and recommendations for reducing this fraud while maintaining a high level of services for providers and patients participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs
Testimony of Lewis Morris (PDF), Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, before the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security on Eliminating Waste and Fraud in Medicare and Medicaid
Formal Statement of Lewis Morris (PDF), Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance?s April 21, 2009, "Roundtable Discussion on Health Care Reform."
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General (PDF), before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies on Traceability in the Food Supply Chain



Testimony of Robert Vito, Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections (PDF), Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, before the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Testimony of Lewis Morris, Chief Counsel to the Inspector General (PDF), before the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, on Nursing Home Quality Issues
Testimony of Gregory Demske, Assistant Inspector General for Legal Affairs (PDF), before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging Examining the Relationship between the Medical Device Industry and Physicians



Statement of Gregory Demske, Assistant Inspector General for Legal Affairs, before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging on the Role of OIG in Identifying and Preventing the Abuse of the Elderly (PDF)
Testimony of Robert A. Vito, Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (PDF)
Testimony of Stuart Wright, Deputy Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections, before the Subcommittee on Health of the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce on Medicare Program Efficiency and Integrity (PDF)
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General, before the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Subcommittees on Health and Oversight on Medicare Program Integrity (PDF)
Testimony of Lewis Morris, Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, before the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, on Allegations of Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Pharmaceutical Pricing: Financial Impacts on Federal Health Programs (PDF)



Testimony of Robert A. Vito, Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections, Philadelphia, before the House Committee on Ways & Means, Subcommittee on Health, on Medicare Part B Prescription Drug Reimbursements. (PDF)
Testimony of Lewis Morris, Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, before the Subcommittee on Health of the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means on issues regarding health care information technology (PDF)
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General, before the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on Medicaid Program Integrity (PDF)



Testimony of Stuart Wright, Deputy Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections, before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce on 340B Drug Pricing Program Oversight and Administration (PDF)
Testimony of Lewis Morris, Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, before the Subcommittee on Health of the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means on Gainsharing Arrangements (PDF)
Testimony of Joseph E. Vengrin, Deputy Inspector General for Audit Services and Michael E. Little, Deputy Inspector General for Investigations, before the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce on Guarding Against Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Post-Katrina Relief and Recovery (PDF)
Testimony of Robert A. Vito, Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections, Philadelphia, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance on Medicaid Payments for Prescription Drugs (PDF)
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance on Medicaid: Federal and State Oversight (PDF)
Testimony of George M. Reeb, Assistant Inspector General for CMS Audits, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance on Medicaid: Financial Mechanisms to Shift Costs to the Federal Government (PDF)
Testimony of Daniel R. Levinson, Acting Inspector General, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance on Confirmation (PDF)



Testimony of George Reeb, Assistant Inspector General for CMS Audits, before the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce on Medicaid-Covered Drugs and Why the Government Pays Too Much (PDF)
Testimony of Lewis Morris, Chief Counsel to the Inspector General, before the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce on Discounts Offered to Patients Who Cannot Afford to Pay Their Hospital Bills (PDF)
Testimony of Dara Corrigan, Acting Principal Deputy Inspector General, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance on Medicare Reimbursement for Power Wheelchairs (PDF)
Testimony of George Reeb, Assistant Inspector General for CMS Audits, before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health on Intergovernmental Transfers and Accountability of Medicaid Funds (PDF)



Testimony of Dara Corrigan, Acting Principal Deputy Inspector General, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance on the Quality of Care in Nursing Homes Nationwide (PDF)
Testimony of Dara Corrigan, Acting Principal Deputy Inspector General, before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Budget on Fraud, Waste and Abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid Programs (PDF)



Testimony of George Reeb, Assistant Inspector General, before the House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Health on Medicare Payments for Currently Covered Prescription Drugs (PDF)
Testimony of Michael F. Mangano, Principal Deputy Inspector General, before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia on consumer safety and the effectiveness of the Food and Drug Administration?s (FDA) adverse event reporting system for dietary supplements (PDF)
Testimony of Michael F. Mangano, Principal Deputy Inspector General, before the House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Government Efficiency, Financial Management and Intergovernmental Relations on how the Federal Government and the States protect the Medicaid program and its beneficiaries against fraud, waste, and abuse (PDF)
Testimony of Janet Rehnquist, Inspector General, before the Senate Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, and Education on Medicare Reimbursement for Medical Equipment and Supplies (PDF)
Testimony of Janet Rehnquist, Inspector General, before the House Energy and Commerce, Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee on the "Oversight and Management of the Government Purchase Card Program" (PDF)
Testimony of Janet Rehnquist, Inspector General, before the Senate Committee on Finance on Medicare: Reimbursement for Prescription Drugs (PDF)
Testimony of Janet Rehnquist, Inspector General, before the House Subcommittee on Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations on the Office of Inspector General FY 2003 Budget (PDF)


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Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 330 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20201