Required Employer Posters

The Indiana Department of Workforce Development provides the Unemployment Insurance poster, free of charge. You may download it from this website. For your convenience many other required posters can also be downloaded from this site.

State Posters

Federal Posters

Posting requirements vary by statute, not all employers are covered by each of the Department’s statues and may not be required to post a specific notice. For example, some small businesses may not be covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act and would not be subject to the Act’s posting requirements.

For more information about poster requirements or other compliance assistance matters, please contact the U.S. Department of Labor by phone at 1-888-9SBREFA (1-888-972-7332).

If you don't see the form that you need, we suggest you visit the Indiana Commission of Public Records Library of Downloadable forms for the state of Indiana.