Economic News Releases

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Schedule of upcoming releases

Browse data and publications by subject: CPS A to Z, demographics, labor force characteristics, and earnings

Monthly and Quarterly News Releases

Annual News Releases

Periodic Releases of Special Supplemental Survey Data

  • Current Supplemental Surveys

  • Earlier Supplemental Surveys

    • Volunteering in the United States  (HTML) (PDF) (Archives and more)
      A special supplemental survey last conducted in September 2015

    • Persons With a Disability: Barriers to Employment, Types of Assistance, and Other Labor-Related Issues
      (HTML) (PDF) (More info)
      A special supplemental survey conducted in May 2012

    • Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements  (HTML) (PDF) (Archives and more)
      A special supplemental survey conducted in May 2017

    • Workers on Flexible and Shift Schedules  (HTML) (PDF) (Archives and more)
      A special supplemental survey last conducted in May 2004

    • Work at Home  (HTML) (PDF) (Archives and more)
      A special supplemental survey last conducted in May 2004

    • Computer and Internet Use at Work  (HTML) (PDF) (Archives and more)
      A special supplemental survey last conducted in October 2003

Reports and Summaries


Last Modified Date: August 30, 2018