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State Options Report

Last Published: 05/31/2018

SNAP’s statutes, regulations, and waivers provide State agencies with various policy options that enable State agencies to adapt their programs to meet the unique needs of States. This flexibility helps States better target benefits to those most in need, streamline program administration and field operations, and coordinate SNAP activities with other programs. The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) periodically surveys State agencies administering SNAP about certain options to determine which options are in use. The results of these surveys have been compiled into the State Options Reports linked below. These reports are not a comprehensive reflection of all policy and administrative options available to States.

The 14th edition of the State Options Report reflects the most current information available.  Section one of this report describes each option, providing a list and map of the States that have selected the profiled option. Section two of this report provides a State-by-State summary of the options each agency has chosen. The information about State agency choices among options is subject to frequent change. These changes may be reflected in previous reports, which are also included here for historical reference.  Upcoming editions will reflect future changes in State administration. The 14th edition reflects options in effect as of Oct. 1, 2017, and covers a range of areas including reporting, simplified methods, and modernization initiatives.