
The following are training opportunities within the Office of Privacy and Open Government.

Open Government
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Privacy Act (PA)
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)  


Directives Management  

    Commerce Learning Center - FOIA Training for Federal Employees

    The FOIA is everyone's responsibility. In this module you will learn:

        • A general overview of the FOIA,
        • The FOIA's time limits and the importance of your role in responding to requests promptly,
        • Conducting searches for records responsive to FOIA requests, and
        • The review of requested records for disclosure.

    You will need to log into the Commerce Learning Center to access this FOIA training module.

    Commerce Learning Center - FOIA Training for Professionals

    FOIA professionals are tasked with the responsibility of providing a very important service to the public. In this module you will learn about the Department's obligations under the FOIA and how you as FOIA professionals will:

        • Receive and process requests.
        • Apply the presumption of openness and work with requesters in a spirit of cooperation.
        • Apply statutory protections for sensitive information.
        • Contribute to the information provided in the Department's FOIA reports.

    You will need to log into the Commerce Learning Center to access this FOIA training module.

    FOIAonline Training Resources for Public Users

    FOIAonline provides the public benefits that include submitting FOIA requests electronically, tracking the status of requests, and searching and reviewing public requests and agency responses. Training resources available to the public include:

        • Public User Guide
        • Search FOIA Requests video
        • Make a FOIA Request video
        • Create and Account video

    Click on FOIAonline Public User Resources to view the abouve resources.

    FOIAonline Training Resources for Agency Users

    FOIAonline provides agencies with an efficient and consistent way to manage and respond to FOIA requests. It is an online repository and secure processing system that improves upon functionality currently available to agencies. Agencies benefit by storing requests and responses in a single location , which allows for reuse, and report generation.

    You will need to log into FOIAonline and then click on the Resources tab to access Agency User resources.

    Department of Justice FOIA Training Opportunities

    The Department of Justice's (DOJ) Office of Information Policy (OIP) regularly conducts training sessions throughout the year on all aspects of the FOIA and on a wide variety of FOIA related topics, including yearly training (offered in connection with the Office of Legal Education), specialized training sessions, as well as public training events, meetings, and town halls. Descriptions of these sessions as well as training materials, such as slide presentations and handouts accompanying OIP’s most popular programs, are provided on the DOJ FOIA Training page. FOIA training opportunities for the beinning of FY 2017 can be found at DOJ FOIA Training Opportunities for the Beginning of FY 2017.

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Send Questions or Comments on the Commerce Office of Privacy and Open Government programs to

Office of Privacy and Open Government
Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce


Page last updated:December 6, 2016