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Simulation-Based Engineering

SBE ImageAdvanced energy technologies and processes rely on phenomena that confound the ability of experimental scientists, as the key elements are not observable, or the measurements are impractical. This leads to costly, and lengthy experimental and developmental phases. 

Simulation Based Engineering focuses on developing and applying advanced computational tools at multiple scales: atomistic, device, process, grid and market scales to accelerate development and deployment of fossil fuel technologies.

Research in this area provides the basis for the simulation of engineered devices and systems to better predict and optimize the performance of fossil fuel power generating systems.

Computational design methods and concepts are required to significantly improve performance, reduce the costs of existing fossil energy power systems, and to enable the development of new system and capabilities such as advanced ultrasupercritical combustion, and hydrogen turbines. 

This effort combines theory, computational modeling, advanced optimization, experiments, and industrial input to simulate complex advanced energy processes, resulting in virtual prototyping. The research conducted in the Simulation-Based Engineering program develops accurate and timely computational models of complex reacting flows and components relevant to advanced power systems. Model development and refinement is achieved through in-house research and partnerships to utilize expertise throughout the country.

SBE explained


Technology area contact:

Briggs White