Climate Action Team Public Health Workgroup

This page last reviewed April 9, 2018

Next Meeting

Scheduled for July 17, 2018

Hands picThe Public Health Working Group of the California Climate Action Team addresses cross-cutting issues related to climate change and health, including issues specific to AB 32 implementation. The purpose of the workgroup is to provide a forum for communication, coordination, and education across agencies and with stakeholders.

Public meetings of the Climate Action Team Public Health (CAT PH) Workgroup will be held quarterly or more frequently if needed. Air Resources Board and California Department of Public Health will co-host the workgroup meetings. Effort will be made to host meetings at sites where webcast facilities are available. Meeting materials and notes will be electronically distributed to the Climate Change and Public Health e-mail list.

Meeting Schedule



For questions, please contact:

Daniel Woo

Office of Health Equity/Climate and Health Team
California Department of Public Health
(510) 620-5934
