IDES - IDES - Labor Market Information

IDES - Labor Market Information

IDES - Labor Market Information

​Labor Market Information

Data & Statistics​ includes employment statistics, job forecasts, wages and demographic characteristics. IDES collects, analyzes and disseminates this data in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and Employment and Training Administration (ETA).

Click on the links below for more Labor Market Information:
Set of statistics generated from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages that help to provide a picture of the dynamic state of the labor market.
Commuting Patterns​
Provides a picture of the County-to-County Worker flow chart.
Current Employment Statistics​
Produces payroll job estimates of Illinois and metro area non-farm industries.
Employment Projections​
Provides short-term and long-term employment projections for both industries and occupations.
​Help Wanted Online (HWOL) Reports​
Compiles job want ads from online job boards, newspapers and aggregator sites and tallies the hottest job opportunities by region each month.
Illinois Labor Market Review​​
Publication: Online journal providing workforce and labor market analysis and information.
​Labor Market and Career Information Publications​
A collection of useful Labor Market and Career Information publications.
Legislative District Dashboard​
The Dashboard contains information on Illinois claimants for regular (non-Federal) unemployment insurance benefits. The reports are organized by legislative district and feature claimant information by education, age, and military status.
Learn More Earn More​
Publication: Highlights occupations expected to provide the most job openings each year organized by education and training requirements.
Provides information about occupations that are regulated in some way by many state boards, commissions, and agencies.​

Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)​
Develops monthly and annual estimates of the labor force, employed, unemployed and the unemployment rate for the State
Local Employment Dynamics (LED)​
Information about local workforce and labor market conditions covering more than 90% of total wage and salary civilian jobs. OnTheMap is a mapping and reporting application that shows the travel patterns of workers and identifies the workforce characteristics of local areas.
Mass Layoff Statistic (MLS)​​
Federal-State initiative that identifies, describes and tracks large job cutbacks, reports mass layoffs and closures in Illinois.
Monthly Employment and Unemployment Press Releases​
The Illinois Employment Situation: Statewide and metro area employment and unemployment press releases.
Occupational Wages​​
Provides wages for more than 700 occupations [from the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey].
Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages​​
Produces comprehensive quarterly counts of employment and wages for workers covered under Unemployment Insurance programs.
Provides data collected on individuals currently applying for and those receiving Unemployment Insurance.
Workforce Availability​
Necessary data to complete Affirmative Action compliance, or EEO reports. Available for all counties and Metropolitan Statistical Areas.
Illinois Virtual Labor Market Information System​​
The Illinois Virtual Labor Market Information System interactively delivers labor market and occupational information and resources. 

​Click here for Career Information tools and resources.