
NIOSH positions are primarily located in Cincinnati, OH, Morgantown, WV, Pittsburgh, PA and Spokane, WA. There are a limited number of NIOSH positions located in Atlanta, GA and Washington, DC.


NIOSH is seeking career professionals to conduct research or field investigations, serve as expert consultants, design research studies, and develop recommended standards for occupational safety and health. Applicants should be trained in chemistry, physics, engineering, industrial hygiene, safety, biology, toxicology, medicine, public health, epidemiology, environmental health, occupational health, statistics, or computer science. NIOSH is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

NIOSH is committed to a workplace where all people are respected as individuals and are valued for their contributions to accomplishing its mission. The NIOSH vision for diversity is to enhance the organization’s ability to attract, recruit, hire, mentor, develop, retain, and serve a diverse population by fostering an inclusive environment that embraces, values and respects all individuals.

Page last reviewed: March 28, 2018