Corrections to Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses data, 2011 and 2012

Incorrect national-level estimates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among private-sector industries were published in news releases for the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) for reference years 2011 and 2012. BLS issued a notice on October 9, 2014, identifying these incorrect U.S. private industry estimates. On October 23, 2014, BLS revised this notice informing users that state and local government estimates at the national level also were affected minimally by this error.

The SOII is a federal–state cooperative program in which shared funding between participating state partners and the BLS supports the tabulation of both state-level and national estimates of occupational injuries and illnesses among U.S. employers. Some states do not participate in the SOII, and survey data from establishments in these states are collected by BLS for use in tabulating comprehensive national estimates. These errors occurred as a result of changes in state participation in the 2011 and 2012 surveys which required adjustments be made to the sample of establishments that had previously been selected to report for the SOII among these states. The errors were isolated among nonparticipating states; therefore, state-level estimates among states participating in the SOII were unaffected.

With the discovery of these errors, BLS rescheduled the Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, 2013 release, to December 4, 2014. BLS also rescheduled the Nonfatal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Requiring Days Away From Work, 2013 release to December 16, 2014. The BLS release calendar reflects the new release dates.

Corrected time series data for reference year 2011 were issued on November 7, 2014. Corrected time series data for reference year 2012 were issued on November 14, 2014. The corrected data can be accessed at  BLS will not issue corrections to the 2011 and 2012 news releases.

The following national news releases contain incorrect data. They will not be reissued.

  • Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses from the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
    • Industry counts and frequency rates (HTML) (PDF 62K) 
    • Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work (HTML) (PDF)
  • Archived
    • Industry counts and frequency rates
      • 2012 News Release USDL-13-2119 (HTML) (PDF)
      • 2011 News Release USDL-12-2121 (HTML) (PDF)
    • Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work
      • 2012 News Release USDL-13-2257 (HTML) (PDF)
      • 2011 News Release USDL-12-2204 (HTML) (PDF)

In addition to news releases, some other products contain incorrect data. The following products have been updated with corrected data. Additional products may be updated as corrected data become available.

  • Chart packages illustrating results of industry counts and frequency rates for 2011 and 2012 have been replaced.
  • Chart packages illustrating case and worker details involving nonfatal injuries and illnesses for 2011 and 2012 will be replaced when available.
  • Resource tables for nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work for 2011 and 2012 will be replaced when available.
  • All Summary and Quartile tables and select Supplemental tables for industry counts and frequency rates for 2011 and 2012 have been replaced. (Supplemental tables 1-4, 6, 7, and 12 for 2011 and 2012 will not be replaced.)

As more information becomes available regarding this correction, BLS will update this page.

For questions regarding this correction, please contact SOII staff.


Last Modified Date: February 20, 2015