Summary: H.R.3994 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)All Information (Except Text)

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Passed House amended (07/23/2018)

Advancing Critical Connectivity Expands Service, Small Business Resources, Opportunities, Access, and Data Based on Assessed Need and Demand Act or the ACCESS BROADBAND Act

(Sec. 2) This bill requires the Department of Commerce to establish the Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth within the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

(Sec. 3) The office shall:

  • connect with communities that need access to high-speed Internet and improved digital inclusion efforts,
  • hold regional workshops to share best practices and effective strategies for promoting broadband access and adoption,
  • develop targeted broadband training and presentations for various demographic communities through media,
  • develop and distribute publications providing guidance to communities for expanding broadband access and adoption, and
  • track construction and use of and access to any broadband infrastructure built using federal support.

The office must report annually: (1) a description of the office's work, (2) the number of U.S. residents who received broadband as result of federal broadband programs and the Universal Service Fund program, and (3) an estimate of the economic impact of such broadband deployment efforts on the local economy.

(Sec. 4) The office shall consult with any agency offering a federal broadband support program in order to streamline the application process for financial assistance or grants and create one application that may be submitted to apply for all federal broadband support programs.

(Sec. 5) The office, any agency that offers a federal broadband support program, and the Federal Communications Commission through the Universal Service Fund shall coordinate to ensure that broadband support is being distributed in an efficient, technology-neutral, and financially sustainable manner.

(Sec. 7) No additional funds are authorized to carry out this bill.