Office of Justice Programs Office of Justice Programs
BJA Center for Research Partnerships and Program Evaluation
BJA Center for Research Partnerships and Program Evaluation

Welcome to BJA’s Center for Research Partnerships and Program Evaluation (CRPPE)

BJA’s CRPPE provides visitors with information on practitioner-researcher partnerships, performance measures, logic models, program evaluation, and other important information to devise solutions to improve the quality, quantity, and equity of criminal justice and public safety services.

The FY16 Evaluation & Research Literature: The State of Knowledge on BJA-Funded Programs document provides information on evaluations, reports, and research related to BJA-funded programs. This report also identifies programs and practices with a solid foundation of evidence, while also providing information on those programs/practices that may benefit from additional research and evaluation.


Identifying and Working With a Research Partner

Who is a research partner? How can they assist your task force or implementation team? How can you identify and select a research partner to work with? This document presents common questions and answers regarding identifying and working with a research partner.

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This website is a central, credible resource to inform practitioners, policymakers, and researchers about what works in criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services. Please visit

Risk-Needs-Responsivity (RNR) Simulation Tool

Best practices emphasize that justice agencies should match offenders to services and programs based on their risk and need factors (the RNR Principles), but the effective use of these principles is challenging to implement. The RNR Simulation Tool helps agencies work through these challenges.

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