Task Force on Voter Privacy

The Task Force on Voter Privacy was established by (former) Secretary of State Kevin Shelley on October 27, 2003, pursuant to California Election Code Section 2195 as added by Assembly Bill 2832 (Shelley, 2002), Chapter 959, Statutes of 2002.

The Task Force was created to study and recommend to the Secretary of State appropriate standards applicable for safeguarding voter file information in view of the different database formats and security procedures used by the various counties.

Establishment of the Task Force

Secretary of State's Press Release - October 27, 2003 (PDF)

Legislation Authorizing Establishment of the Task Force - AB2832 (PDF)

Final Report

Task Force Voter Privacy Final Report (PDF | DOC)


  • Biographical information on Task Force members (PDF | DOC)
  • Relevant Elections Code Sections (PDF | DOC)
  • Testimony by Kim Alexander, California Voter Foundation (PDF | DOC)
  • Presentation by Joanne McNabb, California Office of Privacy Protection (PDF)
  • Testimony by J. Blair Richardson, Aristotle Publishing (PDF | DOC)

Public Hearings

November 5, 2003 - Sacramento

November 12, 2003 - San Diego

November 21, 2003 - San Francisco

December 15, 2003 - Los Angeles

News Coverage of Voter Privacy