AG Schmitt Announces $1.5M Multistate Settlement with Retailer Neiman Marcus over 2013 Data Breach

Jefferson City, MO (January 8, 2019) – The Neiman Marcus Group LLC has agreed to pay $1.5 million and implement a number of policies to resolve an investigation by attorneys general in 43 states and the District of Columbia into the 2013 breach of customer payment card data at 77 Neiman Marcus stores in the United States. Read more...

AG Schmitt Files Amicus Brief Opposing Modern-Day Debtors’ Prisons

Jefferson City, Mo. (January 7, 2018) - Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed an amicus brief today in the Supreme Court of Missouri that seeks to end the practice of modern-day debtors’ prisons. The brief, filed in Richey v. State of Missouri, states that it is the opinion of the Attorney General that there is no statutory authority to classify jail debts, or more commonly known as “board bills” for jail time, as court costs or fines. This is the first amicus brief that Schmitt has filed as Missouri’s Attorney General. Read more...

AG Schmitt Announces For-Profit Education Company to Forgo Collecting Loans and Will Change Practices

Jefferson City, Mo. (January 4, 2019) – For-profit education company Career Education Corp. (CEC) has agreed to reform its recruiting and enrollment practices and forgo collecting about $493.7 million in debts owed by 179,529 students nationally, in a settlement with Missouri and the attorneys general of 48 other jurisdictions. The Assurance of Voluntary Compliance filed Wednesday caps a five-year investigation. Under the agreement, CEC agrees to forgo any and all efforts to collect amounts owed by former students living in the states participating in the agreement. Read more...

Eric Schmitt sworn in as Missouri’s 43rd Attorney General

Jefferson City, Mo. (January 3, 2019) – Eric Schmitt was sworn in as Missouri’s 43rd Attorney General today at the Missouri Supreme Court in a ceremony led by Chief Justice Zel Fischer. In remarks following the swearing-in, Schmitt emphasized his duty is to protect Missourians, and to serve as the lawyer for all six million Missourians.