
Resources for Health Professionals

Smokefree.gov is a trusted source for evidence-based smoking cessation tools and content. The tools below can be useful for both researchers and health care providers.

Work with Smokefree on Your Next Project

Smokefree values smoking cessation research studies and programs that expand our knowledge and understanding of how to help people quit smoking. Smokefree regularly works with researchers, practitioners, and program planners interested in using Smokefree for their research or implementation programs.

If you are interested in incorporating Smokefree content, resources (e.g., websites, mobile applications, or text messaging programs), or data into a project, please contact NCISmokefreeTeam@mail.nih.gov.

Smokefree Data Use Agreement

All persons who use Smokefree products or receive data on persons using Smokefree products are required to sign the Smokefree Data Use Agreement. Consistent with HHS and NIH mandates, ensuring the confidentiality of Smokefree.gov users is of the utmost importance. The core objective of the data sharing agreement is to ensure appropriate confidentiality and data management practices.

View the Smokefree Data Use Agreement Form (PDF).

Smokefree.gov Mobile Interventions

QuitNowTXT Message Library

The QuitNowTXT text messaging library was developed to provide health departments, academic institutions, and government agencies with an algorithm and database of messages designed to serve as smoking cessation intervention for individuals who are ready to quit smoking. The library includes day-specific messages including keyword responses. The full library and overview can be downloaded here:

NOTE: Developers creating any programs based on the QuitNowTXT library assume all risk and responsibility. Programs developed from this library are not endorsed by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) or other federal agencies, and statements indicating support or endorsement by the federal government may not be used.

SmokefreeTXT Text Messaging Program

SmokefreeTXT is a mobile-based smoking cessation intervention designed for teens and adults across the United States who are ready to quit smoking. SmokefreeTXT was created to provide 24/7 encouragement, advice, and tips to help individuals stop smoking for good.

Evidence-Based Programs


BecomeAnEX is a free three-step plan to re-learn life without cigarettes and quit smoking for good. EX will help you pick your smoking apart into little pieces you can tackle one by one. Once you begin, you’ll start to look at quitting smoking not as one huge war, but as a series of small battles you can actually see yourself winning.


Treatobacco.net provides evidence-based data and practical support for the treatment of tobacco dependence. It is aimed at physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, psychologists, researchers, and policy makers. Treatobacco.net is produced and maintained by the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco in association with the World Bank, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, the Cochrane Group, and a panel of international experts.

Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T.

The Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T. portal provides access to Web-based resources that can assist in: assessing the cancer burden in a given state; identifying potential partner organizations; understanding the current research findings; accessing and downloading evidence-based programs and products; and providing guidelines for planning and evaluation.

Government Reports

Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence, 2008 Update: Clinical Practice Guideline

A comprehensive document, this guideline contains evidence-based strategies and recommendations designed to assist clinicians, tobacco dependence treatment specialists, and others in delivering and supporting effective treatments for tobacco use and dependence. For the guideline and tools for intervening with tobacco users, go to:

Help for Smokers and Other Tobacco Users

Available in both English and Spanish, this booklet is a companion of the Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update Clinical Practice Guideline. It is written in an easy-to-understand format and includes educational and motivational messages and resources to help patients/consumers quit smoking. Go to:

Quick Reference Guide for Clinicians

This Quick Reference Guide for Clinicians presents summary points from the Clinical Practice Guideline, in particular, the guideline strategies for providing appropriate treatments for every patient.

Helping Smokers Quit: A Guide for Clinicians

This pocket guide outlines the 5 A’s (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange) that clinicians can employ to encourage patients to quit tobacco use.

Quitting Helps You Heal Faster: Your Hospital Visit Is a Great Time to Quit Smoking

This PHS resource, provided by AHRQ, can be shared with your patients during hospital stays to encourage them to stop smoking.

Support and Advice From Your Prenatal Care Provider

Clinicians can use this PHS consumer tear sheet, provided by AHRQ, to help counsel pregnant women about tobacco cessation. It includes information on the benefits of quitting for both the baby and mother, keys for quitting, and a quit plan.

Support and Advice From Your Clinician

Clinicians can use this PHS consumer tear sheet entitled “You Can Quit Smoking,” provided by AHRQ, to help counsel their patients about tobacco cessation. It includes information on the benefits of quitting, keys for quitting, and a quit plan.

Other Resources

North American Quitline Consortium (NAQC)

The North American Quitline Consortium (NAQC) is the only non-profit organization in North America dedicated to advancing the field of quitlines through programs in the areas of research, education, training, policy, and communication. NAQC’s 400 quitline stakeholders—f-funders, service providers, researchers, and national organizations—learn from each other and improve quitline services to decrease the toll of tobacco-related diseases and deaths in North America.

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Quit Smoking Today! smokefree.gov


More For You

You can use Smokefree data or products in your smoking cessation and mHealth projects. Find out how you can get started.
There is no formula for discussing smoking cessation medications with your patient, and Smokefree.gov has created references to help.
Smokefree.gov's peer-reviewed publications include findings from research studies in the fields of tobacco control, mHealth, and health behavior change.
Friends, family members, and significant others can help a person stay smokefree.