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Use the Keyboard to Navigate Screens

Use these common keyboard commands to navigate web pages without a mouse. Some keystrokes may not work with every Internet browser.

IF you want to... THEN select
Move forward from link to link or to controlsTab
Move backward from link to link or to controlsShift + Tab
Select buttonsSpacebar
Navigate and select Radio ButtonsArrow
Select/deselect boxesSpacebar
Move from box to boxTab
Open a List BoxALT + Down arrow
Read the prior screenCTRL + Page Up
Read the next screenCTRL + Page Down
Go to the top of the pageCTRL + Home
Go to the bottom of the pageCTRL + End
Close the current window (in Internet Explorer)CTRL + W
Refresh the screenF5
Go back a pageALT + Left Arrow
Go forward a pageALT + Right Arrow
Navigate to & select the text in the address combo boxALT + D


You can use the preceding keyboard commands to navigate through our web pages but you cannot use them in our Online Claims and Services pages.

Using Hotkeys or Access Keys

Most applications contain hotkeys to improve navigation and provide information. On many screens there is a continue button that allows you to go to the next page or a previous button to return to the prior page.

Other keyboard commands, hotkeys or access keys will vary based upon your type and version of browser.

You will find a list of these commands in the Help section of your browser. Locate the Help feature on the Menu bar of your browser or by using your keyboard F1 function key.

Use these common keyboard commands to navigate web pages without a mouse. Some keystrokes may not work with every Internet browser.