Price Support

Daily Commodity Rates
Weekly Commodity Rates
Program Updates

Price Support Initiatives

The Farm Service Agency (FSA) is an organization with a legacy of responding quickly to program legislation, being service-oriented, and focusing on producer needs.

Commodity Loans

Marketing assistance loans provide producers interim financing at harvest time to meet cash flow needs without having to sell their commodities when market prices are typically at harvest-time lows.

Loan Deficiency Payments

For a commodity to be eligible for a marketing assistance loan or a loan deficiency payment (LDP), the producer must have beneficial interest in the commodity in addition to other eligibility requirements.

Market Loss Assistance Payment Programs

Facility Loan Programs

Under the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Charter Act, USDA may make loans to producers to build or upgrade farm storage and handling facilities.

Loan Rates

The commodity loan rates are available in PDF only and are available under “Loan Rates” listed under “Related Topics” above.


These reports provide a host of information about loan activities, LDPs, loan forfeitures, and much more.