Summary: H.R.1469 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)All Information (Except Text)

There is one summary for H.R.1469. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in House (03/09/2017)

Welfare Benefit Reform and Alignment Commission (BRAC) Act

This bill establishes within the legislative branch the Benefit Reform and Alignment Commission to review certain means-tested welfare programs.

A "means-tested welfare program" is any federal program that is designed to specifically provide assistance or benefits exclusively to low-income Americans. The bill specifies several programs that are either considered or not considered means-tested welfare programs for the purpose of this bill.

The commission must identify changes in law to structure the programs so that:

  • the receipt of aid by a beneficiary is temporary, that over time there is a reduction in the number of the programs in which an individual beneficiary or household is participating, and that over time the total number of recipients receiving such aid is reduced; and
  • the programs increase employment, encourage healthy marriages, and further educational attainment so that households maintain an income above the poverty level without services and benefits from the federal government.

The commission must also: (1) review the programs to evaluate whether certain programs should be consolidated, eliminated, or made subject to the annual appropriations process; and (2) recommend ways to reduce the cost or increase the efficiency of the programs by contracting with private entities or delegating authority to states.

The commission may also review the offsetting receipts and discretionary appropriations of the federal government.

The commission must submit to Congress a report including recommendations and proposed legislation. Congress must consider the proposal using specified expedited legislative procedures.