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Survey Forms

FAQs for Survey Forms 809 and 819

EIA-809 (Weekly Oxygenate Report)

How do I submit the form?

There are four ways to submit the EIA-809 form.

  1. Secure File Transfer: https://signon.eia.doe.gov/upload/noticeoog.jsp
    The Secure File Transfer System uses the secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS), an industry standard method to send information over the web using secure, encrypted processes.
  2. Electronic Filing Option: The PC Electronic Data Reporting Option (PEDRO) is a Windows-based application that will enable you to enter data interactively, import data from your own database, validate your data online, and transmit the encrypted data electronically to EIA via the Internet or a dial-up modem. To receive this free software call (202) 586-9659.
  3. Email: oog.surveys@eia.gov
  4. Fax forms to: (202) 586-1076

When is the form due?

Form EIA-809 must be received by EIA by 5 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the Monday following the end of the reporting week. For example, the "Weekly Oxygenate Report" covering the week ending December 7, 2012, must be received by 5 p.m. (Eastern Time) on December 10, 2012.

What time period should the data represent?

The weekly report period begins at 7:01 a.m. (Eastern Time) on Friday and ends at 7:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) on the following Friday. For production, report the total volume of fuel ethanol produced during that 7-day period. Report stocks as ending inventories of fuel ethanol in your custody as of 7 a.m. (Eastern Time) Friday.

Is the form still due on Monday even if that day is a Federal holiday?

If Monday happens to be a Federal holiday, your EIA-809 form must be filed by 5 p.m. on the first business day after that holiday, typically Tuesday. Note that the data you report should still just represent the 7-day reporting period beginning at 7:01 a.m. (Eastern Time) on Friday and ending at 7:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) on the following Friday.

My company operates a facility that produces ethanol, but does not have ownership of the product. Do we still have to report it?

Yes. Form EIA-809 should be completed by the entity that has physical custody of the product, regardless of ownership of that product.

What is the difference between Denatured and Undenatured Fuel Ethanol?

Denatured Fuel Ethanol is fuel ethanol that is rendered unfit for human consumption by the addition of a petroleum denaturant, typically pentanes plus or conventional motor gasoline blending components. Fuel ethanol is usually denatured prior to transport from the ethanol production facility by adding a maximum of 5% by volume denaturant.

If Undenatured Fuel Ethanol (Product Code 191) is produced only for the purpose of creating Denatured Fuel Ethanol, should that Undenatured Fuel Ethanol be reported?

No. This production is considered an intermediate step. Only fuel ethanol that is intended for shipment (either Denatured or Undenatured) should be reported and it should only be reported when it is in its finished product state. For example, if at the time of filing the report your facility is holding Undenatured Ethanol that is waiting to be blended with denaturant, this product is considered still in process and should not be included on the report as production or stocks (see next question below). Undenatured Fuel Ethanol production should only be reported if that undenatured product is intended to ship from your facility in its undenatured state.

How should Undenatured Fuel Ethanol stocks be reported?

Undenatured Fuel Ethanol (Product Code 191) stocks should not be reported if they are in a "batch tank" or other short-term storage and will eventually be processed into Denatured Fuel Ethanol (Product Code 190). Undenatured Fuel Ethanol stocks should only be reported if they are intended to ship from your facility in their undenatured state.

If we are shipping out Undenatured Fuel Ethanol, should this production be reported?

Yes. Report any Undenatured Fuel Ethanol production that is intended for shipping in its undenatured state using Product Code 191

Should production of stocks intended for export also be reported?

Yes. Both production of fuel ethanol for the export market and fuel ethanol stocks intended for export are to be included on your EIA-809 form.


EIA-819 (Monthly Oxygenate Report)

What is Nameplate Capacity?

Nameplate Capacity is equal to Design Capacity for which the plant was built and is the volume of ethanol that can be produced during a period of 12 months under normal operating conditions.

What is Maximum Sustainable Capacity?

In Part 3 of the form - Maximum Sustainable Capacity is the annualized maximum denatured fuel ethanol production that can be achieved over a period of any 6 consecutive months.

How does one calculate the Maximum Sustainable Capacity?

Consider a fuel ethanol plant with the Nameplate Capacity equal to 100 million gallons per year that produced 55 million gallons during a period of 6 consecutive months. In this case, Maximum Sustainable Capacity would be 110 million gallons per year. (Take the best 6 consecutive months and multiply by 2.)

How does one calculate the Semi Annual Storage Capacity Supplement?

The Annual Storage Capacity Supplement is Code 141 which equals product Code190 (Denatured Fuel Ethanol) + product Code191 (Undenatured Fuel Ethanol).

What is Shell storage capacity?

Shell storage capacity is the design capacity of storage tanks. Shell storage capacity includes capacity of tanks in operation and under certain conditions idle tanks.

What is Working storage capacity?

Working storage capacity is capacity above tank bottoms and below safe-fill capacity. Working storage capacity is reported only for tanks in operation.



Survey form & instructions

Contact: Robert Merriam,
(202) 586-4615


Survey form & instructions

Contact: John Duff,
(202) 586-9612

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