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Survey Forms

FAQs for Survey Form EIA-182

What is the purpose of this survey?

Form EIA-182, "Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Report" is designed to collect data on both the average cost and volume associated with the physical and financial transfer of domestic crude oil off the property on which it was produced. The monthly reported data represent the initial market value and volume of domestic crude oil production.

What are the published domestic crude oil first purchase prices?

The domestic crude oil first purchase price is associated with only those companies that purchase crude oil the moment the oil leaves the lease on which it was produced. Companies are asked to report the average cost per barrel and total volume purchased for requested crude streams purchased in a state.

The domestic crude oil first purchase price within a published category (crude stream, state, PADD or U.S. total) in the Petroleum Marketing Monthly (Tables 1, 18-20) is derived by multiplying each company's reported volume by its reported monthly average price which yields total revenue.  The revenue data for all companies in the cell (crude stream, state, PADD or U.S. total) are added and this number is divided by the total volume purchased in a cell.  The resulting number is the volume weighted monthly average price.

Where can I find published data from the EIA-182?

The domestic crude oil prices are initially published in the Petroleum Marketing Monthly (PMM) in the following figure and tables:

  • PMM's Highlights (PDF)
  • Table 1: Crude Oil Prices (PDF)
  • Table 18: Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Prices (HTML and PDF)
  • Table 19: Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Prices for Selected Crude Streams (HTML and PDF)
  • Table 20: Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Prices by API Gravity (HTML and PDF) (Mapping Table)

The PMM is released electronically each month. These statistics are widely used to inform the public and policymakers about current crude oil prices. Register for email notification for this and other EIA products by subscribing to our subscription.

How is this data used?

These data are used by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) in reviewing the supply, demand, quality, and price changes of crude oil. The average volume weighted first purchase price(s) are published in the Petroleum Marketing Monthly, the Monthly Energy Review, and the Annual Energy Review. The data are used elsewhere across federal and state agencies in statistics, data verification, fiscal planning and administering certain income tax credit provisions. In the private sector, the data are used in economic forecasts, market analyses, and refinery operations modeling.

When and how can I submit data each month?

Every month reports are due no later than 30 calendar days after the close of the reference month. For example, if the reference month is March 2018, the report must be submitted to EIA by April 30, 2018.

Completed forms may be submitted by facsimile, electronic transmission, or mail.

What is the estimated time needed to complete this survey?

The reporting burden includes the time of gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reporting the information. The estimated respondent burden for the EIA-182 is 4.3 hours. The amount of time required will vary depending on the mode of data collection, number of crude streams, and size of company, etc.

Do I have to report data?

Yes. The report is mandatory. The timely submission of Form EIA-182 by those required to report is mandatory under Section 13(b) of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (FEAA) (Public Law 93-275), as amended.

Failure to respond may result in a civil penalty of not more than $2,750 per day for each violation, or a fine of not more than $5,000 per day for each criminal violation. The government may bring a civil action to prohibit reporting violations which may result in a temporary restraining order or a preliminary or permanent injunction without bond. In such civil action, the court may also issue mandatory injunctions commanding any person to comply with these reporting requirements.

When are these data due to EIA?

These survey forms must be completed and submitted each month no later than 30 calendar days after the close of each reference month. (e.g., if the reference month is March 2018, the report must be submitted to EIA by April 30, 2018).

What are criteria for resubmissions?

Revisions to prior month's reports are required if previously reported price or volume data are in error by more than five percent (+5%). All revisions must be submitted within 120 days after the end of the reference month. However, EIA must be notified of significant changes discovered after 120 days and will determine if a resubmission is needed.

To file a resubmission, complete and attach a copy of Part 1 and 3 to the regular monthly submission. Complete separate submissions for each reporting month in which State/Production area data exceed the threshold. Enter only the full corrected values for cost and volume, not the net (plus or minus) change.

Are my data protected?


The information reported on this form will be protected and not disclosed to the public to the extent that it satisfies the criteria for exemption under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.§552, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) regulations, 10 C.F.R. §1004.11, implementing the FOIA, and the Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. §1905.

The Federal Energy Administration Act (FEA) requires EIA to provide company-specific data to other Federal agencies when requested for official use. The information reported on this form may also be made available, upon request, to another component of DOE; to any Committee of Congress, the Government Accountability Office, or other Federal agencies authorized by law to receive such information. A court of competent jurisdiction may obtain this information in response to an order. The information may be used for any nonstatistical purposes such as administrative, regulatory, law enforcement, or adjudicatory purposes.

Data protection methods are applied to the statistical data published from EIA-182 survey information to ensure that the risk of disclosure of identifiable information is very small

Should I inform you of a change in the contact person in our company for the survey?

Yes. Whenever there is a change in the contact person at your company please contact a representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at OOG.SURVEYS@eia.doe.gov. The contact person should be the most knowledgeable person about your reported data.

Should I inform you if our company is sold, merged with another company, or buys another company?

Yes. Whenever there is any change in ownership please inform a representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at OOG.SURVEYS@eia.doe.gov.

What is the reference month?

This is the calendar month to which the reported average cost and volume information relates. We ask that the EIA-182 be submitted to EIA no later than 30 calendar days after the close of each reference month (e.g., if the reference month is March 2018, the report must be submitted to EIA by April 30, 2018.)

Do I need to include taxes?

Yes. Include any taxes applicable to the sale of crude oil.

Are crude oil sales from DOE's Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) included in this survey?

No. The EIA-182 survey collects crude oil data from the marketed first sales at the lease boundary. The crude stored in the SPR has already been sold on the open market and therefore, will not get reported to the EIA-182.

How do I categorize sales into crude oil streams on the survey?

If the stream has a sulfur and gravity content that is within five percent of a named stream, report the crude in that nearest stream with the similar quality characteristics.  If you are uncertain how to report a stream with no name or just a field name on the run ticket, please contact 1-800-638-8812 and provide the approximate API gravities and sulfur content so we can assist in determining the appropriate category. For additional information on which named crude streams collected on the survey fall within the set API Gravity Bands in Table 20 of the PMM, see Mapping Table.

What value does the EIA-182, Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase price reflect?

EIA's Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase price reflects the transfer of ownership of crude oil during or immediately after the physical removal of the crude oil from a production property for the first time. The oil produced is moved by truck or pipeline to the Lease Automatic Custody Transfer Unit (LACT), which sits just outside the lease boundary, where this system provides for the automatic measurement, sampling and transfer of oil from the LACT to the pipeline. The reported average price on the EIA-182 can be affected by the following factors: the time companies report their price during the month, cost or volume adjustments, revisions, transportation costs, or any adjustments (bonuses or premiums) passed on to the producer or royalty owner.

In order to value crude oil production by state, would it be better to use the national First Purchase Price (FPP) price, a state-level FPP, or another benchmark?

It would be best to use the state-level first purchase price as the value for each state's crude production. Crude qualities vary quite a bit from state to state so these would be most reflected in the state price as opposed to some national price.

We have discontinued purchases of a stream that we have reported for a long time. Should I just enter zero on the form?

If you are no longer making purchases of a particular stream that you have reported consistently in the past, please indicate this in the comments section of the survey form so that our survey processing staff will know that this is accurate and not simply an accidental omission.

What do I report in the "Other" and "Miscellaneous" categories?

Any crude oil purchased that does not fall in a named stream should be reported in the state's "Other" category. Any crude oil purchased in states for which no specific streams are requested should be reported in the state's "Miscellaneous" category.