Hoosiers by the Numbers

Your premier source for labor market information for Indiana.


Business Lookup

Find businesses by searching geography, employment size and/or industry. Use for career exploration and job search assistance.



Created by the Department of Workforce Development Research and Analysis division.

Workforce Economy Dashboard

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Regional Profiles


In Depth Regional Profile

Find profiles on population, education, housing, employment, labor force and more. View Profiles »


County Highlights

Get a snapshot of critical population and workforce statistics for each of Indiana's 92 counties. View Profiles »

Career Pathway Tools


Cost of Living Calculator

This calculator tool uses continuously updated data pulled directly from the highly regarded ACCRA Cost of Living Index to make cost comparisons. View Tool »


Workforce Economy Dashboard

A valuable dashboard tool that utilizes critical indicators measuring the changing dynamics in our workforce and the economic drivers that influence it. See the big picture at a glance, or choose an indicator to learn more about the trends and how we compare to other states. View Tool »


Employment Outlook Projections

Explore Indiana’s long-term occupation projections in-depth by region. View Tool »


The Regional Labor Mix

The Regional Labor Mix can provide important insights into the strengths of your chosen region or identify gaps in particular occupations or industries. View Tool »