JAG Indiana: Employer Resources

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JAG Indiana Employer GuideWhen employers provide internships, job shadowing, and mentoring, they empower students to gain important work experience and build connections to the local workforce.

On average, JAG students experience more barriers to success than most. In order to combat this hurdle, JAG Specialists play a key role in their students’ success, teaching an array of foundational building blocks like problem solving and teamwork. Through counseling and training of basic skills, participants are prepared for successfully getting and keeping a job.  JAG Specialists support their students for one year after high school and connect students to job openings and continued career guidance.


Make a Difference!

Since 2006, JAG Indiana has helped thousands of young Hoosiers attain their high school diploma or high school equivalency and secure a brighter future. JAG students have proven time and again that the barriers they face are not insurmountable, but can be overcome. Local businesses and industries can participate in developing our future workforce by being a classroom speaker or mentor. Become part of a student’s successful transition into the local labor market through a quality internship or by simply sharing your time and experience. In return, your company will reap rewards from investing in a JAG student or intern who is fully prepared to enter the workplace.

“JAG students are uniquely qualified to be successful in a new job. They understand what having a good work ethic is all about, which is just as important as their academic transcript.” John Elwood - President, Elwood Staffing