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NEHRP Grant Program

The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) leads the federal government’s efforts to reduce the fatalities, injuries and property losses caused by earthquakes. To support local earthquake safety and resilience activities, FEMA awards cooperative agreements to select states and territories with moderate to high seismic risks to fund one or more of eligible activities. The purpose is to support the establishment of earthquake hazards reduction programming and the implementation of earthquake safety, mitigation, and resilience activities at the local level.

The states and territories selected to participate in this program, their requirements under the program, and their funding allocations are determined based on a combination of statutory and regulatory requirements, program priorities, available funding, and consideration of risk information gathered from the U.S. Geological Survey National Seismic Hazard Maps, the International Residential Code Seismic Design Categories, and HAZUS-MH Estimated Annualized Earthquake Losses for the United States (FEMA P-366).

Fiscal Year 2017 NEHRP Grant Program


StateProject NameProject DescriptionCost
Region 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


HAZUS Modeling & Analysis SupportThis project, supported by NESEC, continued to refine the statewide HAZUS analysis for the remaining 5 counties: Piscataquis, Somerset, Franklin, Lincoln, and Sagadahoc Counties. The refined county analyses fold in the following state level data sets: prioritized state-owned and state-leased facilities; prioritized bridges to include scour-critical bridges; updated and prioritized dam inventory; and power outage information. The analyses also correlated functionality of critical and essential facilities and lifelines with estimated monetary-damage and facility damage; added more focus to unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings; and analyzed the location of dams and haz-mat facilities in relation to earthquake ground shaking. County level HAZUS-MH analyses used the same inputs, data sets and analytical methodologies as the statewide analysis.$28,000
VermontHAZUS to Contribute to a Multi-Hazard Map for Washington County, VTProject produced landslide hazard maps by county in order to complete an initial hazard map for the entire state within a reasonable time frame of 7 years.$5,000
Region 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New YorkProject Continuation: Seismic Assessments of Emergency Operation CentersProject will build upon FY 2015 and FY 2016 NEHRP State Support efforts by extending the number of county emergency operation centers (EOC) that receive seismic assessments. The seismic assessments address structural and non-structural components of the building and are evaluated relative to an “immediate occupancy” performance level, reflecting the importance of the facility’s ability to support an initial earthquake response that needs to gear up to a major activation level within a very short time period. Recommendations of potential mitigation measures to address the seismic vulnerabilities are included as part of the assessment. The FY 2017 effort includes ongoing ranking and prioritization of county emergency operations centers to determine which EOCs would be the priority in FY 2017 (There are 58 county EOCs in New York State, counting NYC as a county).$30,000
Puerto RicoQuake-Smart Tool Kit Program to Small and Medium-Sized Local BusinessesProject will implement the QuakeSmart Tool Kit as an accessible and easy-to-implement program that will greatly benefit businesses and subsequently our communities that could face shut down after a disaster.$35,000
Region 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
South CarolinaEarthquake Education and Preparedness Program

Public/Media Outreach (Project 1) as SCEEP members continue to avail themselves to media in the event of an earthquake. College of Charleston (CofC) and South Carolina Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) media liaisons have SCEEP member’s office, cell and home numbers and are directed to provide those numbers to media in the event of an earthquake.  SCEEP intent is to establish an “Ask a Seismologist” link where public can ask questions of SCEEP members.

Public/Media Outreach (Project 2), Outreach effort for the Great ShakeOut 2018 to encourage businesses and schools throughout South Carolina to participate. Efforts will promote participation in the 2018 nationwide earthquake drill and contact school districts, businesses, faith-based organizations to highlight importance of drill.

Region 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Traveling Earthquake Preparedness and Mitigation KioskThis version of the kiosk will be a smaller version of the original. It will be moveable so it can be taken to different locations during high traffic events such as fairs, conferences, summits and workshops, and to schools and universities. It will still house touchscreens to display short, high-quality Do-It-Yourself (DIY) videos on earthquake mitigation and preparedness, along with other earthquake preparedness information, such as that available through the Ready Illinois website.$18,000
IllinoisShakeOut EventProject will result in increased outreach and marketing across the state to promote the ShakeOut exercise. Illinois will use media outlets such as newspaper and radio ads to promote. Ads would be primarily focused on the southern portion of Illinois along the New Madrid and Wabash faults, which would be the most severely impacted areas.  $10,000
IllinoisNon-Structural MitigationProject will follow the mitigation efforts of other states and continue with the provision of more water heater bracing systems that are free to citizens as part of a non-structural mitigation program for homeowners. The product would be purchased through a national retail chain and distributed through a citizen preparedness contest or through a local retail facility in the high impact area of the state as part of a public/private partnership. With the implementation and utilization of the informational kiosk in southern Illinois, these have become a wanted item for homeowners when planning for an earthquake.$2,000
IndianaQuake Cottage - Geological SurveyThe Quake Cottage Program provides citizens with a safe, yet realistic, experience of the intense shaking that can occur during an earthquake. The Quake Cottage is an earthquake simulator that mimics the shaking experienced in moderate to strong earthquakes, with magnitudes up to 8.0. IGS proposes to manage the program for the earthquake simulator using funds provided through NEHRP. This program is an example to all states to provide realistic "shaking" for citizens to experience an earthquake as awareness and preparedness.$32,236
Region 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

Earthquake Awareness and Education

Project will provide awareness, preparedness and mitigation education to local stakeholders and jurisdictions. West Central Texas Council of governments facilitated public education and awareness training and developed an information brochure.$30,000
ArkansasState/Regional TrainingProject will host two regional training workshops over the course of two days to bring together numerous member of Inspect Arkansas (INSPARK). This training opportunity will take place at two locations (central and northeastern) Arkansas. All eight CUSEC States, their associate states, as well as the entire INSPARK Building Inspection Team are invited to participate in the regional training opportunity. Specifically, project will provide logistical support for the event and purchase printed materials needed for the training.$15,000
ArkansasShakeOut AwarenessUtilized the Arkansas Outdoor Advertising Association to create, print, and hang billboards along the largest corridors in northeast Arkansas with the highest impact for awareness of the 2018 October ShakeOut event. ADEM and the advertising company will showcasing 10 billboards in northeast Arkansas in August and 10 billboards in September leading up to the October event.       $10,000
ArkansasWater Heater Tank Strapping SystemsProject will provide water heater bracing systems free to citizens as part of a non-structural mitigation program for homeowners. The product is purchased through Home Depot and is distributed at a local Home Depot in the high impact areas of the state.$2,000
ArkansasEarthquake Brochures & Educational MaterialsProject will develop brochures to provide information to the public regarding their specific earthquake hazard, how to prepare, and information regarding the ShakeOut. These publications are free to citizens at highway rest-stops, preparedness fairs, working group meetings, and other public events.$4,000
ArkansasWrite-Click PadsWrite-click pads are a mouse-pad and a notebook in one item and will have earthquake preparedness and response information and reminders on them. Arkansas will include messaging to ensure Arkansans are aware of life saving strategies in an earthquake. Each sheet on the pad will have different tips to ensure a comprehensive knowledge of how to mitigate and protect against an earthquake.$1,000
Region 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Rapid Visual Screening of SchoolsFor the past several years Missouri has combined NETAP P-154 training with NEHRP funding to assess public schools in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. Schools can use the report to improve their facilities before an earthquake strikes. The RVS program includes follow-up with participating schools to determine how they’re using the report to improve facilities, and offers non-structural mitigation supplies such as tie-downs, straps and brackets for various school furnishings to encourage further action.$23,000
MissouriField Manuals for Structural Assessment and Visual Evaluation CoalitionMissouri’s SAVE Coalition brings together architects, engineers, building inspectors and construction professionals from around the state to pool their expertise during emergency response. SAVE is also a model that’s being used by other states to develop similar programs. To keep the coalition current and volunteers certified, 8 to 10 training sessions are held throughout the state each year. A crucial component of the training is the ATC-20 Field Manual.$5,837
MissouriShakeOut BillboardsProject will promote participation in ShakeOut with billboards to target the high-impact areas in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, featuring the “Drop/Cover/Hold On” graphic.$7,000
Region 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
American SamoaSeismic Assessment of Critical Structures - Phase 2Project will include seismic assessment of the local hospital, LBJ Tropical Medical Center. LBJTMC is the single full-service hospital in the territory.  While there are several out-patient clinics located throughout the territory, the LBJTMC in Faga'alu, AS, serves as the only full-service hospital with emergency services and patient wards (admissions).  Given its crucial role in emergency services and, therefore, disaster response and recovery, the LBJTMC is included in the list of critical infrastructure of American Samoa. The requested project would provide a seismic assessment to be conducted of the hospital structure. The initial phase of this project, funded by NEHRP FY2016 State Support is currently underway, with the seismic assessment to be conducted in the upcoming months. Project would provide assessment of additional critical structures that were not able to be covered in the first FY2016 phase of this project.$30,000

Strategies & Opportunities Workshop

Project will support a two day workshop titled "Strategies & Opportunities". This effort will showcase Hawaii's Strategy for responding and recovering from a disastrous impact from any known risks. The following are the strategy goals: 1. Provide a clear understanding of the systems and how they are integrated. 2. Provide clear understanding of the Federal, State, County, and Private Industry roles, current status, planning and responsibility as partners in this process. 3. Provide capability status of supporting resources, (DOD, USCG, HING, ARC, & VOAD. 4. This effort is intended to support the development of Hawaii's Strategic Plan.$35,000
GuamOutreach/Training MaterialsCurriculum development and reproduction of Outreach/Training Materials targeting Middle and High School students to build upon the NEHRP funded Ginessa Quake and Tsunami Mikenna Elementary School outreach that has been ongoing for the last several years. The guide will include hands-on activities that can be conducted in the classroom and quizzes to test knowledge of the information. The guide will focus on earthquake and tsunami risk, including chapters on risk information, preparedness and mitigation. The guide will build upon the concepts learned and inclusion of familiar characters (age-appropriate) from the elementary school program.$30,000
Region 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IdahoSeismic Mitigation PlanThe Idaho Office of Emergency Management in coordination with the Seismic Technical Assistance Working Group direct the development of a seismic mitigation plan to augment the earthquake chapter of the State of Idaho Hazard Mitigation Plan (SHMP). Project will develop the plan to incorporate Idaho specific earthquake clearinghouse operations, mutual aid agreements, communications plan, and a Southeastern (SE) Region specific report.  The regional report will model recurrence of earthquakes, risk and vulnerabilities, identify logic trees, develop geospatial data and hazard mapping.$30,642
WashingtonShakeOut Media PlanWashington/Oregon joint statewide media campaign that will promote earthquake safety, ShakeOut registration, participation in the drill, and encourage preparedness and mitigation within homes, schools, businesses, hospitals etc.$59,267
AlaskaRapid Visual Screening of AK SchoolsRapid Visual Screening of Alaska Schools (RVS)$30,000

Fiscal Year 2016 NEHRP Grant Program

StateProject NameProject DescriptionCost
Region 1  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


HAZUS Modeling & Analysis SupportThis project, supported by NESEC, continued to refine the statewide HAZUS analysis for 5-6 of the remaining 10 counties in order of priority and feasibility: Washington, Hancock, Knox, Oxford, Piscataquis, Somerset, Androscoggin, Franklin, Lincoln, and Sagadahoc Counties. This effort is a continuation of statewide HAZUS analysis by NESEC in FY14 and FY15.$28,000
VermontHAZUS to Contribute to a Multi-Hazard Map for Washington CountyThe Vermont Geological Survey (VGS) developed protocols for landslide hazard mapping using Lidar and included them in the State Hazard Mitigation Plan. VGS is in the process of producing a landslide and slope stability hazard map for Addison County, Vermont as a prototype. Seismic hazard and flood hazard maps produced by the HAZUS computer program greatly enhance the project and can be incorporated in a methodology to complete all-hazards maps by county for the entire state in the next 7 years. Specifically, VGS requested that NESEC run HAZUS for earthquake and flood scenarios for Addison County.$5,000
Region 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New YorkSeismic Assessment of Emergency Operation CentersA seismic assessment of the New York State Emergency Operations Center in Albany, NY. This project would provide a pilot test case that would serve as a basis for determining direction for future county EOC seismic assessments. This project builds upon and leverages FY 2015 efforts.$32,634
Puerto RicoTrain the Trainers Program for Emergency Manager OfficersProgram to train local emergency managers to have the skills and knowledge to provide public conferences on earthquake safety. The Train the Trainers, developed by the Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN), is designed exclusively for emergency management officers (EMO) that provide conferences about earthquakes and tsunamis to their communities. Three-day training course providing a complete package of educational tools with the appropriate and accurate information for different audiences. Includes evaluation tools such as written and practical exams that participants will be required to pass to complete the training successfully.$30,000

Puerto Rico

Application of the QuakeSmart Tool Kit ProgramThe Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) in partnership with the State Emergency Management Agency offered a single day workshop to approximately 10 businesses in Mayaguez City (coastal municipality in Western P.R.). This was a small scale pilot program with the purpose of promoting the QuakeSmart program island-wide in the future. This project would start strengthening local Puerto Rican businesses to ensure they can withstand an earthquake, recover fast and continue providing services. To enhance the potential seismic mitigation, this project targets critical services such as pharmacists and food suppliers. The workshop was intended for the employees and owners to learn, analyze, discuss, and prepare for the risks generated by earthquakes.$38,000
Puerto RicoEarthquake Risk Awareness thru Earthquake SimulatorIncrease earthquake risk awareness and education by impacting five major shopping malls in Puerto Rico. Enhance the public preparedness posture by delivering orientations and giving out educational material to the public at the shopping malls. Have the public get the experience of passing thru an Earthquake Simulator as an integral part of this educational promotion. Prospect visitors are there to be reached and educated on earthquake risk reduction. Coordinate for newspaper, radio and TV for marketing announcement of the events.$30,000
USVIEarthquake Awareness and Education CampaignAir television and radio public service announcements throughout the Territory in English and Spanish, and translate advertisements into French-Creole which targets the large and underserved Haitian population. With this funding, the Territory continues to build a more resilient community through community education and awareness of seismic hazards. It is a continuation of our public education efforts regarding earthquake hazards.$47,136
Region 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AlabamaPaper Calendar Mouse PadsProject includes the purchase of 1000 paper calendar mouse pads. AEMA will use the pads to promote life savings strategies in an earthquake and preparedness tips to be ready in case of an earthquake. The information will also include facts about earthquakes in Alabama, preparedness activities for an earthquake, and items needed to aid in the recovery of an earthquake. The mouse pads were given out to educators at school and at public preparedness/awareness events. Educators can use the different tips and facts from the calendars to teach their students about earthquakes in Alabama and general earthquake knowledge.


AlabamaMicrofiber ClothsProject includes the purchase of 2500 microfiber cleansing cloths with a message informing the public that Alabama is susceptible to earthquakes and the website that outlines further details. AEMA will use the cloths to promote earthquake awareness. The cloths will be given out to participants at public preparedness/awareness events and at emergency preparedness conferences. People that receive the cloths could go to the website to learn more facts and tips about earthquakes.$1,500
AlabamaEarthquke BrochuresBrochures to provide to the public informing them of the specific risks to Alabama, how to prepare for an earthquake, response activities, and promotion of ShakeOut. The brochures will be free to the public and will be distributed at rest areas, preparedness/awareness events, State and County sponsored exercises, and other public events. Citizens of Alabama and those that are traveling through the State will have access to the brochures at rest areas free of charge.$3,000
AlabamaFirst Aid Kit (Pouch)Project includes the purchase of 1500 first aid kits. The outside of the pouch included a message promoting ShakeOut registration website and date. The kits were given out at public preparedness/awareness events throughout the state and State sponsored conferences, and given to State and Local partners. The kits would be used in conjunction with already established means of promoting the 2017 ShakeOut to aid in the continuous increase of public participation.$2,000
KentuckyEarthquake Awareness and Education PamphletThe Commonwealth sought to develop, print, and distribute a pamphlet to provide information to the public regarding their specific earthquake hazard, and how to prepare themselves. This publication would be free to travelers at highway rest stops, preparedness fairs, schools, government buildings, and public events.  Kentucky requested funding to facilitate a teaching module, wherein an Earthquake Program Manager can present the material contained in the pamphlet to school children, civic groups, and other interested parties.$4,000
KentuckyShakeOut AwarenessThe Commonwealth desired increased participation for the ShakeOut exercise and believes high visibility billboards along targeted corridors will yield the greatest impact. The Commonwealth would partner with the Outdoor Advertising Association of Kentucky to design, print, and hang these billboards. Funding requested a purchase a total of ten billboards, showcasing five in August and five in September, leading up to this October event.$5,000
KentuckyNon-Structural Mitigation; Water Heater Bracing SystemsKentucky aimed to provide 200 water heater bracing systems free to residents, as part of a non-structural mitigation program for at-risk homeowners. The product will be purchased through local building suppliers and distributed from those places of business, located in the high earthquake impact area of western Kentucky.$2,000
KentuckyPublic Service AnnouncementsKentucky aimed to produce radio and TV public service announcements highlighting New Madrid earthquake awareness and preparedness.$5,000
TennesseeCross-Region State TrainingHost training and exercise opportunities in conjunction with adjoining states along the New Madrid Fault Zone in FEMA Regions IV, V and VI. This cooperative opportunity implements planning and training strategies that will improve multi-state interoperability and coordination of post-disaster building safety assessments.$15,000
TennesseeUpdate & Revise the Tennessee New Madrid EQ GuideDue to intermittent funding sources, Tennessee has run short on providing adequate numbers of these informational materials. These publications are provided to citizens at Interstate rest stops, preparedness fairs and many other public events. Funding will allow for the purchase of sufficient brochures and printed materials to the inform the public regarding their specific earthquake hazard, how to prepare, and source information on further earthquake research including awareness events such as Tennessee ShakeOut.$5,000
TennesseeEarthquake Public Service AnnouncmentsPublic Service announcement campaigns are conducted for the Earthquake Awareness and Education Week and Great Central U.S. ShakeOut campaign preparedness and awareness events using Public Radio and Television stations and the Tennessee Association of Broadcasters (TAB).$5,000
South CarolinaEarthquake Awareness and Education ProposalA. Development of curriculum/materials to reach out to communities, informal and formal education, in order to reach a broader and more diverse audience B. Continued work for SCEEP members to avail themselves to the media in the event of an earthquake. C. Continued work with EMD personnel on GIS, HAZUS, seismic, landslide, and other relevant strength simulations and seismic-related questions. Discussion of relevance to South Carolina will be included in all world-wide events. D. Emergency Management Earthquake Information Source; Fostering and Encouraging South Carolina Seismic Research; Fostering relationships with regional Jurisdictional agencies.$35,901
South CarolinaPrinting of SC Earthquake GuidesThe SC Earthquake Guide is an educational guide with the goal to increase citizens’ awareness about earthquakes in South Carolina, educate them about the science of earthquakes, and stimulate behavioral changes that foster a self-help approach to earthquake preparedness.$5,000


Earthquake Guide Awareness PublicationThe Earthquake Guide Awareness Publication distributed through school outreach program by our Mitigation Bureau and Training Bureau, MEMA’s public outreach at County Fairs, Fitness Runs (new) and other events; and distribution by Planning Bureau while we are visiting counties and MS Band of Choctaw Indians.$2,000
MississippiShaky the Earthworm© BookmarksShaky the Earthworm© Bookmarks to be distributed through school outreach program by our Mitigation Bureau and Training Bureau, MEMA’s public outreach at County Fairs, Fitness Runs and other events; and distribution by Planning Bureau during 2017 CEMP rollout in all of counties and the MS Band of Choctaw Indians (MBCI).$2,000
MississippiEQ Activity and Coloring BookContinued funding for coloring books distributed through the already vibrant school outreach program by our Mitigation Bureau and Training Bureau, MEMA’s public outreach at County Fairs, Fitness Runs (new) and other events; and distribution by Planning Bureau during our 2017 CEMP Template roll-out in our state’s 81 counties and tribal entities.$5,000
Region 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


ShakeOut AwarenessIllinois would like to promote The ShakeOut event that promotes education and awareness of what to do during an earthquake. A large part of previously increased awareness was due to the increased outreach and marketing across the state. Illinois wants to use media outlets such as newspaper and radio ads to promote Shakeout exercise. These ads would be primarily focused on the southern portion of Illinois along the New Madrid and Wabash faults, which would be the most severely impacted areas.$10,000
IllinoisEducational Mitigation KioskThis kiosk displays short, high-quality Do-It-Yourself videos on earthquake mitigation and preparedness, along with other earthquake preparedness information available through the Ready Illinois website. This would be IEMA’s second kiosk. Both kiosks will be strategically placed in southern Illinois, which has a high risk of earthquakes, in high-traffic areas, such as schools, libraries and malls in order to reach a large audience.$20,000
IllinoisNon-Structural Mitigation Illinois proposed to follow the mitigation efforts of other states with the provision of water heater bracing systems free to citizens as part of a non-structural mitigation program for homeowners. Product is purchased through a national retail chain and is distributed through citizen preparedness contest or through a local retail facility in the high impact area of the state as part of a public/private partnership.$2,200
IndianaQuake CottageThe Quake Cottage Program to provide citizens with a safe, yet realistic, experience of the intense shaking that can occur during an earthquake. The Quake Cottage is an earthquake simulator that mimics the shaking experienced in moderate to strong earthquakes, with magnitudes up to 8.0. The IGS manages the program for the earthquake simulator using funds provided through NEHRP.$30,000
IndianaPreparedness Publication - EQ Preparedness CardsCard decks to promote earthquake preparedness messages. Each card had a preparedness message that not only applied to earthquake preparedness, but an all-hazards approach to education and outreach for disasters and emergencies. Providing earthquake awareness and education to the general public including youth, young adults, and even those of a mature age is essential to preparing Hoosiers ahead of an impending event. These cards produce interest and could be included in a family preparedness kit.$30,000
IndianaSecuring Furniture/Gear in Volunteer Fire StationsHardware for each of the approximately 350 voluntary fire departments, the racks or lockers could be secured against a wall to prevent the essential equipment from falling and making it nearly impossible for a volunteer firefighter to reach his/her gear in the case of an emergency or disaster such as an earthquake.$10,000
Region 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OklahomaQuakeSmart Summit and Leadership Workshop & Travel SupportA QUAKESMART Summit and Leadership Workshop through the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Inc. (FLASH).$25,000
ArkansasRegional TrainingA regional training workshop over the course of two days to bring states together to implement strategies that improve multi-state interoperability and coordination for post-earthquake building safety assessments. All eight CUSEC States, their associate states, as well as the entire INSPARK Building Inspection Team were invited to participate in the regional training opportunity.$25,000
ArkansasShakeOut AwarenessUse of the Arkansas Outdoor Advertising Association to create, print, and hang billboards along the largest corridors in Arkansas with the highest impact for awareness of the October ShakeOut event. A total of 20 billboards were requested; showcasing 10 in August and 10 in September leading up to the October event. These billboards will be in addition to the Earthquake Awareness Week billboards requested in a separate line item.$10,000
ArkansasHome Depot Non-Structural MitigationWater heater bracing systems free to citizens as part of a non-structural mitigation program for homeowners. Product purchased through the Home Depot and is distributed at local Home Depots in the high impact areas of the state.$2,000
ArkansasEducational Materials for 2nd Graders In 2016, the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management went to Valley View Elementary School in Jonesboro, Arkansas and taught 230 second graders about earthquakes. For this presentation, students were given a tennis ball and a map of the world that had the tectonic plates identified. Students made a globe out of the two items and then identified where important faults are in the United States. The school asked that the presentation be given again in the 2016-2017 school year.$600
ArkansasArkansasWrite-Click PadsPurchase of 300 write-click pads. Write-click pads are a mouse-pad and a notebook in one item and will have earthquake preparedness and response information and reminders on them. Each sheet on the pad provides different tips to ensure a comprehensive knowledge of how to mitigate and protect against an earthquake.$1,000
ArkansasEarthquake Awareness Week BillboardsUse of the Arkansas Outdoor Advertising Association to provide billboard signage around the higher-impact areas of the state. These billboards acknowledge earthquake awareness week and provide important “what to do in an earthquake” information as well as resources for additional information.$5,000
ArkansasEarthquake BrochuresPrinting of brochures to provide information to the public regarding their specific earthquake hazard, how to prepare, and information regarding the ShakeOut. These publications were free to citizens at highway rest-stops, preparedness fairs, working group meetings, and other public events.$4,000
Region 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Rapid Visual Screening of SchoolsExpand NETAP P-154 training with NEHRP funding to assess public schools in the New Madrid Seismic Zone to identify structural and non-structural vulnerabilities in schools, many of which utilize old, unreinforced masonry buildings for their students and staff.$15,000
MissouriField Manuals for Structureal Assessment and Visual Evaluation (SAVE) CoalitionFunding to keep the coalition current and volunteers certified, 8 to 10 training sessions held throughout the state each year. A crucial component is the ATC-20 Field Manual. SAVE funding is very limited, and guides are expensive. About 300 volunteers take the training each year, and don’t have enough inventory to provide the guides to participants in the coming year.$5,823
MissouriEQ Preparedness Portion of State Hazard Mitigation PlanAddress two limitations of the current Missouri hazard mitigation plan - earthquake probability portion: (1) Inability to accurately assess the impact to long-span bridges, such as those crossing the Mississippi River – HAZUS limitation; (2) Estimation of damage to major infrastructure, such as power and other utility distribution systems, based on a proxy of the population within the study area and not on actual data representing these systems.$20,000
MissouriEQ Preparedness Playing CardsPlaying cards containing 52 brief earthquake preparedness messages, one message on each card face, representing a significant value over typical preparedness publications as they are kept and used over and over again, rather than read one time and thrown away. The cards generate great public interest at preparedness fairs, meetings, school events, and other opportunities where people interact. The cards are encouraged to be included in a family’s 72-hour emergency kit. The cards represent a long-lasting, repeated, and easily understood preparedness message -- a huge value in emergency management.  Ultimately, they represent a path to more resilient communities… one family at a time.$12,500
Region 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WyomingWater Heater Bracing SystemsProvide 400 water heater bracing systems free to residents as part of a non-structural mitigation program for homeowners. Product is purchased through local lumber yards and building suppliers and distributed at the local building supplier’s place of business, located in high earthquake impact areas in the western portion of Wyoming. Combining this project with free FEMA P-909 training and the ‘dummy water heater’ to illustrate the effective use of the bracing system, will ensure the public is informed on appropriate mitigation measures they can pursue in their homes.$8,000
WyomingLocal EQ Tabletop ExerciseTabletop exercise effort to discuss response coordination activities in Lincoln and/or Sublette County following a significant earthquake with the intent of ensuring lifelines and critical infrastructure are ‘up and running’ as soon as possible following a significant disaster. Initial list of potential invitees/participants includes local public works, local road and bridge staff, local healthcare staff, WyDOT, local County Coordinators, PHRCs, Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Exercise Coordinator & Earthquake Program Manager, Wyoming Department of Health, Wyoming National Guard, FEMA Region VIII, and possibly a discussion facilitator.$6,500
WyomingEarthquake Preparedness CardsThird printing of 10,000 Earthquake Preparedness Cards. The cards contained 52 brief earthquake preparedness messages, one message on each card face. Two printings were completed in the previous year, for a total of 2,000 card decks. The playing cards with earthquake preparedness messages have been well received by the public and were disbursed quickly and are utilized across the state. Many of the earthquake preparedness messages apply to other hazards as well, an additional bonus for earthquake preparedness messaging. The cards represent a long-lasting, repeated, and easily understood preparedness message—a huge value in emergency management.$26,000
Region 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
American SamoaBuilding Code and Seismic Safety Training - Building Code Assistance Subject-matter experts delivering training on building code and seismic safety to a selective group of local officials. The audience for this training would be selected by the ASDHS, in collaboration with AS Environmental Protection Agency (ASEPA) and AS Department of Public Works (ASDPW), to include the appropriate officials involved in the process of effecting ordinances to ensure updating, assessment and enforcement of the locally-adopted building code to ensure seismic safety. This project assisted in emphasizing the importance of seismic safety in the application and enforcement of building code compliance. $49,000
American SamoaSeismic Evaluation of Critical StructuresSubject-matter experts were utilized to conduct a seismic evaluation and assessment of critical structures identified by the ASDHS. The intent of this activity was to evaluate the seismic safety of local critical structures.$49,000
CaliforniaCont. Project: ShakeOut Registration/Campaign CoordinationSCEC conducted registration outreach support and promoted re-registration. For California, SCEC manages re-registration outreach (large element of participation maintenance; recruitment of new participants; coordination sector-based outreach; support for social media and traditional media relations for CA ShakeOut; recruitment radio stations to play the ShakeOut drill broadcast, etc. This support also included continued improvement of the CA website and development of ShakeOut resources and tools.$25,000
CaliforinaCont. Project: Earthquake Country Alliance SupportContinued annual funding for continued successful coordination activities and direct support to the Earthquake Country Alliance (ECA), a multi-sector, multi-region, earthquake education and networking organization: (1) Administration of statewide ECA coordination; (2) Sector-based ECA committee support; (3) Regional ECA alliance support.$150,000
CaliforniaQuakeSmart/Disaster Resistant Business Intigration (Phase III) Continued funding to complete this national project over 3-funding cycles. FY 16 represented the third and final phase of the project intended to integrate and leverage three excellent, existing business resiliency products developed or co-funded by NEHRP: Seven Steps to an Earthquake Resistant Business; Disaster Resistant Business Toolkit interactive; and FEMA QuakeSmart Nonstructural Mitigation Program (including current Toolkit and QuakeSmart Community Resilience Program.) Project converted DRB from software to a web-based access and integrates it with QuakeSmart Toolkit and Recognition Program; involved state input on refining all three products.  $30,000
CaliforniaQuakeSmart/Disaster Resistant Business Outreach Strategy and ImpliementationAs the integrated QuakeSmart/DRB product reaches completion, within this funding cycle, the project intended to develop the outreach strategy, marketing approach and to implement that strategy to ensure the uptake of these tools as well as sustainable program support. Priority for implementation centers in CA, but can extend nationally where a national approach would also benefit California.$20,000
California/National/RegionalPost-Earthquake Clearinghouse - Stakeholder WorkshopsFour workshops augmenting on-going efforts to operationalize California Post-Earthquake Clearinghouse (Clearinghouse) collaboration, information sharing, and technology interoperability among engineers, scientists and information stakeholders in support of disaster response, decision support, and regional resilience. The workshops include training on how to use various tools and technologies, to provide Essential Elements of Information (EEIs). The workshops work with stakeholders to develop Best Practices for orchestrating information into usable, actionable intelligence.$44,000
CaliforniaRegional Breifing/Trainings for Local Government PIOs/Preparendess LeadsFive workshops providing briefing/training information on earthquake preparedness and risk reduction for local government PIOs and preparedness leads. Topics include updates on current topics (EEW, Resilient Design Program successes, earthquake insurance, residential mitigation program). Breakouts include training and best practices for ShakeOut and methods for coordination of local initiatives for maximum leverage. These five workshops were requested in order to include San Diego, Sacramento and the southern Central Valley (beyond Bay Area).$35,000
CaliforniaECA/Cal OES-hosed Sector-based Resource WebinarsSix webinars to promote earthquake awareness among various audience groups. Topics of interest developed with Cal OES and ECA stakeholder involvement. Topics include preparedness and risk reduction related to specific FEMA publications and programs. Examples of webinar target audiences include AFN Providers/Advocates, Universities, Faith-based Communities, businesses and local governments.$6,000
GuamEQ Awareness & Education ProjectAwareness and Education in Guam communities to take response and recovery from any disaster. Guam Homeland Security/Office of Civil Defense continues to schedule Earthquake Preparedness outreach at schools, government agencies and private agencies to become better prepared for an Earthquake and other disasters. Production of outreach materials such as Earthquake Ready cards and brochures. Continuation of Tsunami Mikenna and Ginessa Quake commercial on local radio stations, movie theaters and outdoor digital billboards.$36,000
HawaiiHome Seismic Retrofit ProjectDevelop and print supporting outreach material to support the Seismic Home Retrofit project. Our efforts will reengage the public to learn how they can use this tool/information to enhance their home’s resilience on their own. Stepped up efforts to increase awareness through disaster preparedness presentations to home owners, and community service organizations. Emphasizing the state’s homeowners to retrofit and strengthen their homes with continuous load path, sheer walls, post bracing, safe rooms and wind-resistive devices. Support for exposure to the latest building codes$10,000
HawaiiShakeOut ActivitiesEvent coordination of the ShakeOut effort to continue to inform Hawaii at risk population and always present visitors of the earthquake hazard that exists in Hawaii and their risk. This effort save lives as it informs residents what to do to protect themselves and family members in the event of an earthquake. Work with SCEC to develop a brochure that is tailored to Hawaii (island specific) to support our outreach; Work with WSSPC to assist with our local campaign on ShakeOut Drop, Cover, & Hold exercises & Disaster-safety education on outer islands.$8,500
NevadaClark County EQ Billboards to Conincide with the Great ShakeOutPlacement of multiple static and digital billboards throughout Clark County, Nevada in the month of October to coincide with the October 20, 2016 Great Nevada Shakeout exercise. Nevada has shown very active participation in the Great ShakeOut event with 634,519 participants in 2015, up from 571,494 participants in 2014. These billboards served to bring awareness to the public and reinforce the Drop, Cover and Hold on! message for public safety.$10,000
NevadaSeismic Waveform Deisplays in Local K-12 Science ClassroomsInstallation of a small Linux mini-computer and 60” 4K monitor to display seismic waveform traces from the Nevada Seismological Laboratory in select area classroom in the Reno-Carson City area. The trace display is not limited to just seismic stations in in the Reno-Carson area, but can also include stations from around the world. When a large earthquake occurs anywhere in the world or locally, students will see these events as they are happening. The teacher would have to be willing to participate in the project and will work with NSL outreach coordinator on relevant presentations focusing on the science behind the visual trace displays and earthquake awareness in the classroom. This project will be a prototype for potentially establishing displays in additional classroom as well as potentially county and city emergency management facilities around the state.$2,000
NevadaEarthquake Window ClingsWindow clings utilizing a similar design as the Clark County Billboard project. These clings would be utilized during outreach events and would serve as a constant reminder that Nevada is earthquake country and everyone needs to be prepared. $1,500
NevadaHome Depot Non-Structural MitigationA non-structural mitigation program for homeowners similar to what some of the other states have already accomplished. Product is purchased through the Home Depot and is distributed at local Home Depot stores beginning with Northern Nevada. These bracing systems would be provided after a demonstration on how to install them.$10,000
Region 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AlaskaRapid Visual Screening of Schools - Fairbanks Northstar Borough SDRapid Visual Screening of Alaska Schools-Fairbanks Northstar Borough School District. This is the continuation of a NEHRP 2013 and 2014 funded projects between the Alaska Seismic Hazard Safety Commission (ASHSC) and EERI. Support the State of Alaska's (ASHSC) ongoing effort to assess high-risk K-12 schools. Result will be a report of assessed facilities provided to the ASHSC and the school district. This project reflects other efforts nationwide to assess seismic safety of public buildings. Effort will assist school district officials and local residents in prioritizing seismic mitigation efforts for their schools.$25,000
AlaskaState Tsunami and EQ Resilience WorkshopContinued development of a forum to bring together local, state, federal, education, business, critical infrastructure, nonprofits and other interest groups to address seismic and tsunami (and all-hazard) hazard assessment, planning, preparedness, response and recovery issues. Major topics include formation of a new multi-jurisdictional and private partnership earthquake/tsunami coalition or alliance; latest advancements in relevant earthquake and tsunami science; relevant emergency preparedness, planning, response and recovery topics; earthquake monitoring and early warning in Alaska; and seismic and tsunami mitigation projects.$30,000
AlaskaQuakeSmart Workshop, Anchorage, AKA QuakeSmart Workshop implemented by DHS, EM and FLASH for Alaska's biggest community and business center. Anchorage is a business hub and the forum attracts attendees from the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Fairbanks, and Juneau. DHS and EM sponsored this meeting in collaboration with the Alaska Partnership for Infrastructure Protection. This is an earthquake preparedness, planning and mitigation activity for Alaska government, infrastructure and businesses.$10,000
AlaskaEQ Preparedness CardsEarthquake Preparedness Cards, produce (print) and deliver cards. Alaska's cards address both the earthquake and tsunami hazards, response (drop, cover and hold), and individual preparedness. These cards are a "takeaway" outreach tool in the State's earthquake and preparedness outreach forums.$7,500
IdahoPublic Awareness Campaign in Support of the Southeast Four-County EQ ExerciseProduction of Idaho publications similar to Oregon’s “Without Warning” four large building banners for each county involved in the earthquake exercise, and two advertising billboards for the Great Idaho ShakeOut. The assumption is an awarded consortium that would contract with advertising and publishing firms to produce the outreach and educational materials. The billboards generate increased public participation in the Great Idaho ShakeOut, and the banners and publications would be used for public outreach in conjunction with the four-county earthquake exercise planned in southeast Idaho where earthquake vulnerability is high. Coordination will take place with the Idaho Geological Survey and the Idaho Office of Emergency Management for Idaho specific hazard data.$32,000


2-Week Preparedness Messaging VideosRobust education and outreach effort to introduce the new goal of two weeks’ self-sufficiency. The outreach effort launched during the 2016 Great Oregon ShakeOut and ran the entire year. This project works with the Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup and an outside contractor. The contractor produced several 15- to 30-second videos to be used as part of a State of Oregon preparedness campaign to begin to familiarize the public with the new “2-Weeks” messaging. The campaign will run from October 2016 to October 2017. The videos were to be distributed via social media and housed on the Oregon Office of Emergency Management YouTube channel. These videos, as part of a larger outreach effort by OEM adhere to the identity guidelines and aesthetics developed to ensure strong brand identity for the public education campaign.$18,000

ShakeOut Media Plan (Joint OR/WA Project)

Beginning in 2012, the states of Oregon and Washington joined in the Great ShakeOut Earthquake drill. With past NEHRP funding, the States have made strategic investments and established partnerships with media providers to actively encourage registration and participation in the annual ShakeOut earthquake drills. The return on investment was immediately evident through existing metrics and online analytical tools. Oregon and Washington proposed to continue and build on its efforts through a statewide media campaign that will promote earthquake safety, ShakeOut registration, participation in the drill, and encourage preparedness and mitigation within homes, schools, businesses, hospitals etc.$48,000
OregonResearch & Develop a Coordinated & Standardized EQ Early Warning Public Messaging, Outreach, Education & Training StrategyThe public needs to know how to react when provided a ShakeAlert warning. Proper messaging needed to be developed and discussed on how it will be coordinated with Tsunami warning to prevent mixed, confusing and ineffective messaging. This project includes gathering all of the research that CalOES and various universities in CA, OR and WA have done and expand upon it to develop a strategy for the whole West Coast.$12,000
OregonDeveloping a Robust URM & Soft Story Inventory: Training for Local OfficalsUnreinforced masonry buildings and soft story buildings are among the most vulnerable to severe damage during large seismic events. The built environment of the many historical downtown cores of many Oregon cities were built prior to modern building codes. This creates a deep social and economic disadvantage in the ability of the region to quickly recover from a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake. A valuable tool in planning a smart and successful seismic retrofit program is knowing the scope and scale of a community’s vulnerability. The City of Portland recently completed an online database to show URM buildings and status of retrofits. This project developed a workshop for local officials. Many Oregon communities would complete these types of assessments but frequently don’t have the training or in-house resources to complete the studies. While there are ATC course for the actual collection of the data, that is only one piece of the puzzle.  A major goal of this project is to train local qualified engineering personnel in the methodology of completing these types of assessments and best practices in providing this information to policymakers and the public.$12,000
WashingtonResearch & Develop a Corrdinated & Standardized EQ Early Warning Public Messaging, Outreach, Education & Training StrategyThe public needs to know how to react when provided a ShakeAlert warning. What they do to protect themselves from the imminent earthquake and tsunami will depend upon what the messaging says and the training they receive. They will not have enough time to evacuate before the shaking happens. The messaging needs to be coordinated so that people don't try to evacuate, knowing the tsunami is coming, and get hurt or killed by falling telephone poles and other objects. This project includes gathering all of the research that CalOES and various universities in CA, OR and WA have done and expand upon it to develop a strategy for the whole West Coast.$15,000
WashingtonShakeOut Media Plan (Joint OR/WA Project)Beginning in 2012, the states of Washington and Oregon joined in the Great ShakeOut Earthquake drill. With past NEHRP funding, the States have made strategic investments and established partnerships with media providers to actively encourage registration and participation in the annual ShakeOut earthquake drills. The return on investment was immediately evident through existing metrics and online analytical tools. Washington and Oregon propose to continue and build on its efforts through a statewide media campaign that will promote earthquake safety, ShakeOut registration, participation in the drill, and encourage preparedness and mitigation within homes, schools, businesses, hospitals etc.$40,000
WashingtonWashington State School EQ Performance Tool User GuideThe WA School Earthquake Performance Tool User Guide will build upon FEMA FY 14 and 15 State Assistance investments provided to EERI, including two recent projects; the first of which developed an inventory of schools in three Thurston County districts and the second of which will develop a Performance Assessment Tool (PAT) by adapting the current HAZUS methodology to WA schools. The User Guide will develop a manual for how to use the PAT and include examples by referencing the previous evaluations in Thurston County. This essential activity will enable local communities and state agencies to obtain a better understanding of their earthquake risk portfolio and develop more effective mitigation solutions to improve life safety solutions for building occupants and therefore increase community resilience.$17,250
Last Updated: 
11/27/2018 - 13:14