Complaints about your dialysis or kidney transplant care

End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Networks and State Survey Agencies work together to help you with complaints about your dialysis or kidney transplant care.

ESRD Networks

ESRD Networks monitor and improve the quality of care given to people with 

 and can help you with complaints about your dialysis facility or transplant center. If you have a complaint about your care:

  • You can complain directly to your facility, but you don’t have to. You can file it directly with your Network instead of with your facility.
  • Your facility or Network must investigate it, work on your behalf to try to solve it, and help you understand your rights.
  • Your Network can still investigate a complaint and represent you, even if you want to remain anonymous.
  • Your facility can’t take any action against you for filing a complaint.

Contact your ESRD Network for complaints like:

  • The facility staff doesn’t treat you with respect. 
  • The staff don’t let you eat during dialysis, and you’re always hungry. 
  • Your dialysis shifts conflict with your work hours, and the facility won’t let you change your shift.
  • You've made complaints to your facility, and they weren't resolved.

State Survey Agencies

State Survey Agencies also deal with complaints about dialysis and transplant centers (as well as hospitals and other health care settings). Your State Survey Agency can help you with complaints like:

  • Claims of abuse
  • Mistakes in giving out or prescribing drugs
  • Poor quality of care
  • Unsafe conditions (like water damage or electrical and fire safety concerns)