Bandit Download

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Detailed Description

This screencast is a tutorial on how to find Bandit for download as well as finding Bandit resources via the BBL's webpages. 


Image Dimensions: 900 x 720

Date Taken:

Length: 00:01:50

Location Taken: Laurel, MD, US


In this video you will learn where to find Bandit
software for download as well as other helpful tips
for first time Bandit users

to get to the Bandit software you must first find the
Bird Banding Laboratory homepage

Today, I am doing this by starting at the Patuxent
Wildlife Research Center home page. Which is
located at

from this page scroll down

until you find Patuxent Quick Links

and then select the tab for the Bird Banding Lab

Once this page is loaded make sure that you
have selected the "Overview" tab from here scroll

until you find that the Bander Portal section

at the bottom of the section there is a link for
Bandit and click this link

this will bring you to the Bandit software page

If you're ready to download your software go to the
green button at the bottom of the page, click

wait for your file to load and then you can open it
and run it as you would normal software programs

Of note on this page is also the Bandit User

the Bandit frequently asked question section and
the Bandit release notes

additionally there is an Excel template for Bandit
4.0 which is specifically designed for users who
are dealing with auxiliary marked birds

Finally this page contains the Bandit help desk
contact information

This concludes your Bandit video tutorial. Be sure
to check out our upcoming videos or Bandit FAQs
page for other questions