Budget & Legislation

Through the federal budget system and legislative process, the President and Congress determine how resources should be appropriated among agencies of the Federal Government. NIFA uses these funds to deploy research that underpins transformative discoveries needed to solve challenges to our nation’s nutritional security, including diminishing land and water resources, changing climate, and the need for environmental stewardship, in the context of the burgeoning population.

NIFA’s budget office ensures that the agency’s budget is administered and federal grants are awarded in compliance with the federal budget process. The agency ensures that legislative provisions are implemented in compliance with the spirit and letter of agricultural-related legislation.

In addition to appropriating funds, legislation calls for reforms, program changes, and the establishment of programs and mechanisms that focus on advancement of national agriculture priorities. NIFA also oversees the application of agency-related administrative actions required by agricultural legislation.

Information on NIFA's Fiscal Year 2017 President's Budget Proposal can also be viewed on the NIFA website.