
Geologic Maps

The USGS and its partners, the State Geological Surveys, have since the 1800s been producing high quality, standardized geologic maps of the Nation. Check out the National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB), which is charged with building a National archive of these maps and related geoscience reports.

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Date published: November 28, 2018

MRCTR Products

The USGS Astrogeology Mapping, Remote-sensing, Cartography, Technology, and Research (MRCTR, pronounced "Mercator") GIS Lab provides web-based resources aimed at the planetary research community. The lab supports Geographic Information Systems (GIS) graphical, statistical, and spatial tools for analyses of planetary data, including the distribution of planetary GIS tutorials, tools, programs...

Date published: September 28, 2018

Meteor Crater Sample Collection Interactive Map

Meteor Crater is a 180 m deep, 1.2 km diameter bowl-shaped impact crater in Northern Arizona, and has long been a terrestrial analog site for planetary exploration. During the 1960’s, Eugene Shoemaker trained NASA astronauts at the crater to prepare for the Apollo missions to the Moon. The Meteor Crater Sample Collection consists of geologic samples from the Meteor Crater ejecta blanket.

Date published: September 26, 2018

Planetary Geologic Mapping Program

The goals for this website are to catalog completed geologic maps and to help track the progress of currently funded maps. If you would like to propose for a mapping investigation, check the appropriate planetary body in the map index or refer to the various mapping pages (linked under Maps above) to see which geologic maps may have already been published or are currently in progress. 

Date published: August 27, 2018

Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Yucaipa 7.5’ Quadrangle, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California

This geologic database of the Yucaipa 7.5' quadrangle was prepared by the Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP), a regional geologic-mapping project sponsored jointly by the U.S. Geological Survey and the California Geological Survey. The database was developed as a contribution to the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program's National Geologic Map Database, and is intended to provide a general geologic setting of the Yucaipa quadrangle. The database and map provide information about earth materials and geologic structures, including faults and folds that have developed in the quadrangle due to complexities in the San Andreas Fault system.

The Yucaipa 7.5' quadrangle contains materials and structures that provide unique insight into the Mesozoic and Cenozoic geologic evolution of southern California. Stratigraphic and structural elements include: (1) strands of the San Andreas Fault that bound far-traveled terranes of crystalline and sedimentary rock; (2) Mesozoic crystalline rocks that form lower and upper plates of the regionwide Vincent-Orocopia Thrust system; and (3) late Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary materials and geologic structures that formed during the last million years or so and that record complex geologic interactions within the San Andreas Fault system. These materials and the structures that deform them provide the geologic framework for investigations of geologic hazards and ground-water recharge and subsurface flow.

Geologic information contained in the Yucaipa database is general-purpose data that is applicable to land-related investigations in the earth and biological sciences. The term "generalpurpose" means that all geologic-feature classes have minimal information content adequate to characterize their general geologic characteristics and to interpret their general geologic history. However, no single feature class has enough information to definitively characterize its properties and origin. For this reason the database cannot be used for site-specific geologic evaluations, although it can be used to plan and guide investigations at the site-specific level.

Date published: August 22, 2018

Flynn Creek Crater Sample Collection Interactive Map

Flynn Creek crater is a 3.8 km diameter, 360-million-year-old impact structure located in north central Tennessee, and is an invaluable terrestrial analog for the study of impact cratering dynamics. The Flynn Creek Crater Sample Collection consists of over two thousand boxes of drill core from 18 drill holes in the crater’s central uplift, floor, and rim. 

Date published: April 13, 2018

GFSAD30 Products and Webmaps

The above map is an example of the 30 meter Cropland Extent products that are available for inspection on Users can explore additional data sets such as 250 meter data and 1 kilometer data. Likewise, users have the ability to zoom in to examine individual pixels.

Date published: March 12, 2018

The National Map

The National Map is a collaborative effort among the USGS and other Federal, State, and local partners to improve and deliver topographic information for the Nation. It has many uses ranging from recreation to scientific analysis to emergency response. The National Map is easily accessible for display on the Web, as products and services, and as downloadable data.

Date published: December 5, 2017

Geologic Map of Alaska

This is an interactive version of the Alaska geologic map database which allows a user to view and access many features of the database and map through a standard web browser. In other words, there is no need for or knowledge of specialized GIS software.

Date published: May 19, 2016

The National Geologic Map Database

The USGS partners with the Association of American State Geologists (AASG) to develop a distributed archive of standardized geoscience information for the nation.

Date published: March 15, 2016

Map of America's Submerged Lands

Links to publications that contain maps of the sea floor or lake beds and the digital data used to create them.

Date published: March 14, 2016

Planetary Geologic Mapping Program

The Planetary Geologic Mapping Program is managed by the USGS for NASA, producing geologic maps across the Solar System.The maps are made to the same standards as similar maps for the Earth, providing a consistent high-quality product readily intelligible to any geoscientist.

Attribution: Southwest
Date published: March 7, 2016

Geologic Map Data

Digital geologic maps of the U.S. States with consistent lithology, age, GIS database structure, and format.