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The field of high energy physics is guided by intertwined science drivers to explore the elementary constituents of matter and energy, the interactions between them, and the nature of space and time. The Office of High Energy Physics (HEP) executes its mission through a program that advances three frontiers of experimental scientific discovery and related efforts in theory and computing. HEP develops new accelerator, detector and computational tools to enable the science, and through Accelerator Stewardship works to make accelerator technology widely available to science and industry.

Energy Frontier
Theoretical Physics
Intensity Frontier
Advanced Technology
Cosmic Frontier
Accelerator Stewardship

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Intermediate Neutrino Research Program Awards

Intermediate Neutrino Research Program Awards

ANNIEExternal link and PROSPECTExternal link will investigate the properties and interactions of the known neutrinos and search for new types of neutrinos  Read More »

Dark matter evades most sensitive detector

Dark matter evades most sensitive detectorExternal link

In its final run, the LUX experiment increased its sensitivity four-fold, but dark matter remains elusive.
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Dark Energy Measured With Record-Breaking Map of 1.2 Million Galaxies

Dark Energy Measured With Record-Breaking Map of 1.2 Million GalaxiesExternal link

A team of hundreds of physicists and astronomers have announced results from the largest-ever, three-dimensional map of distant galaxies. Read MoreExternal link

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Last modified: 10/4/2018 3:53:46 PM