Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance Resources

The Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance Resources (F) was established in 2006 to coordinate U.S. foreign assistance programs.


Foreign assistance that produces measurable impact in advancing our national security and development goals.


F leads the coordination of U.S. foreign assistance. It advances U.S. national security and development objectives by coordinating policy, planning and performance management efforts, promoting evidence-informed decision making, and providing strategic direction for the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) foreign assistance resources.

Learn more about us here.

Eric M. Ueland was appointed Director of F in October 2018. 

USAID works with Nigerians to improve agriculture, health, education, and governance. USAID Image.

Nigeria’s Operational Plan Guides Strategic Investment of U.S. Foreign Assistance

Oct. 18: In Nigeria, the State Department and USAID managed approximately $470 million in bilateral foreign assistance in FY 2016, to support efforts to help stabilize the country and the region, and ultimately protect U.S. national security and prosperity. DipNote»