Bureau of International Information Programs

The Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP) supports people-to-people conversations with foreign publics on U.S. policy priorities. To carry out this mission, IIP leverages digital communications technology to reach across platforms - from traditional forms of communications to new media channels. The bureau takes a strategic, data-driven approach to develop multimedia, digital communications products and to manage an overseas network of bricks-and-mortar American Spaces. Whether discussions take place in person or in virtual spaces, the bureau’s top goal is to connect people with policy through dialogue that is relatable and understandable. In addition to IIP’s ongoing programs, the bureau stands up timely special focus communications campaigns that respond to emerging issues.

IIP belongs to the State Department’s public diplomacy family of bureaus. While the Bureau of Public Affairs manages news of the day primarily for U.S. audiences and the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs builds long-term relationships through exchanges, IIP advances U.S. foreign policy goals directly with foreign audiences in support of U.S. embassies, consulates and missions abroad.

Highlights from IIP Products and Programs

English Club meeting at the @america American Corner, Jakarta, Indonesia, Oct. 7, 2014. The State Dept. Bureau of International Information Programs manages more than 500 American Spaces around the globe. Photo, Rachel Cooke for State Dept.

With some 700 Spaces in more than 150 countries worldwide, American Spaces provide welcoming environments where visitors can connect and learn about the United States.

Date: 2015 Description: TechCamps are multi-day, interactive workshops.  Leading experts from around the globe work with local groups to apply technology to tackle issues from women's empowerment to modern media tools to climate change and more.  - State Dept ImageTechCamps are multi-day, interactive workshops. Leading experts from around the globe work with local groups to apply technology to tackle issues from women’s empowerment to modern media tools to climate change and more.

ShareAmerica is a digital platform optimized so content flows across social media networks with easy access from mobile devices. Photo, State Dept.

ShareAmerica is a digital platform optimized so content can flow seamlessly across social media networks with easy access from mobile devices.

Media Center

Press Inquiries: Contact IIP

To explore the Department’s global social media presence, see a list of links to official social media accounts managed by U.S. embassies, consulates, and other missions.

Follow the IIP Bureau on Twitter @IIPState

Follow ShareAmerica on Twitter @shareamerica

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