Safer Alaska, Building Resilient Communities

Public Safety Action Plan

For the last several years, crime has been steadily increasing across Alaska. To address these troubling trends, Governor Walker tasked the State’s public safety agencies to develop the Public Safety Action Plan. 
Improving Access to Mental Health and Substance Ab
Addressing the Opioid Epidemic and Drug Trafficking
Public Safety Timeline
April 16, 2018 Sexual Assault Kit Initiative
April 2, 2018 Governor reallocates approximately $10 million towards the creation of a statewide 911 dispatch service
March 30, 2018 Municipality, State partner to prosecute priority cases and increase prosecution of felonies in Anchorage, particularly for domestic violence and property offenses
March 2018 Governor meets with students and stakeholders to review school safety in Alaska and make recommendations to prevent violence.
February 5, 2018, Statewide drug prosecutor, Katholyn Runnels, hired to focus on large-scale drug deals fueling the opioid epidemic.
January 2018 Governor submits a package of crime bills and a proposed budget to the State Legislature that focuses on investing in public safety.

We can all agree that our children are the future of Alaska. While Alaskans are tough, resourceful, and independent, we need a cohesive strategy to ensure that our schools are havens of safety. In March 2018, I held a series of meetings throughout the state relating to this issue. Based on these meetings and continuing feedback, here are some of the measures we will be implementing to make our schools safer:
  • Implementing a statewide, centralized 911 dispatch center with texting capabilities;
  • Implementing a training resource for schools to enhance student engagement in school safety;
  • Holding a school safety convening for the fall of 2018;
  • Surveying districts via a “School Safety Gap Analysis;” and
  • Increasing access to mental health services.
School safety is of vital importance to all of us. These are only a few steps. We welcome your thoughts and feedback. Feel free to contact our office at


In January 2018, a new clemency process was introduced for the State of Alaska. All individuals seeking clemency must submit a new, signed, updated application and waivers to the Alaska Board of Parole. Applications must be mailed or emailed to the Alaska Board of Parole at:

550 W. 7th Ave., Suite 1800
Anchorage, Alaska 99501

All applications received by the Governor’s Office will be redirected to the Alaska Board of Parole. More information on the updated clemency process is available here. 

The new, updated application is available here.

Building a Safer Alaska Poster Contest

In commemoration of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October 2017) and Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Awareness Month (April 2018), we invite all Alaskan youth to engage in creating a positive message about respect and healthy relationships. Read more about the contest details.


Have Suggestions?

Send us feedback or suggestions on building a Safer Alaska.