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Frequently Asked Questions

Advisory Opinions

An OIG advisory opinion is a legal opinion issued by the Office of Inspector General to one or more requesting parties about the application of the OIG's fraud and abuse authorities to the party's existing or proposed business arrangement.

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Contractor Self-Disclosure

The HHS OIG's contractor self-disclosure program provides a means for contractors to self-disclose potential violations of the False Claims Act and various Federal criminal laws involving fraud, conflict of interest, bribery or gratuity.

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Corporate Integrity Agreements

A Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) is a document that outlines the obligations a provider or entity agrees to as part of a civil settlement. CIAs have common elements, but each one is tailored to address the specific facts of the case and is often drafted to recognize the elements of a pre-existing compliance program.

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The Office of Inspector General's List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE) provides information to the health care industry, patients and the public regarding individuals and entities currently excluded from participation in Medicare, Medicaid, and all other Federal health care programs.

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Student Volunteer Service Program

The Student Volunteer Service Program provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience while working with agency's Office of Investigations.

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Whistleblower Ombudsman

Whistleblower disclosures can save lives as well as billions of taxpayer dollars. They play a critical role in keeping our Government honest, efficient, and accountable. Recognizing that whistleblowers root out waste, fraud, and abuse and protect public health and safety, Federal laws strongly encourage employees to disclose wrongdoing.

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Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 330 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20201