Online Security

The internet offers access to a world of products and services, entertainment and information. At the same time, it creates opportunities for scammers, hackers, and identity thieves. Learn how to protect your computer, your information, and your online files.

Computer & Mobile Security

Computer Security

Secure your computer and protect yourself from hackers, scammers, and identity thieves.

Disposing of Old Computers

Getting rid of a computer? Follow these instructions to protect your personal information.

Disposing of Your Mobile Device

Dispose of your mobile phone safely.

Laptop Security

Here’s how to prevent a thief from snatching your laptop — and all the valuable information it houses.


Steps you can take to avoid, detect, and get rid of viruses and spyware.

Online Tracking

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about online tracking – how it works and how you can control it.

P2P File-Sharing Risks

Consider these computer security risks before you share files through a P2P network.


Securing Your Wireless Network

Protect the wireless network in your home.

Tips for Using Public Wi-Fi Networks

Here’s how you can protect your personal information when you’re using public Wi-Fi hotspots.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) apps

If youre looking for a more secure way to use public Wi-Fi, know the benefits and risks of Virtual Private Network (VPN) apps.

Apps & Devices

Apps to Help You Shop in Stores

What to know about apps that help you make purchases and find deals in brick-and-mortar stores

Understanding Mobile Apps

Consider these questions before you download a mobile app.

Using IP Cameras Safely

When you shop for an internet camera, put security features at the top of your list. Here are tips to help.

Common Online Scams

"Free" Security Scans

Alarming messages on your computer warning that a ‘free’ scan has found malware could be a rip-off.

Hacked Email

What to do if you think your email or social networking account has been hacked.

Online Dating Scams

Signs that your online love interest is a scam artist.


What to do about messages that ask for your personal information.

Tech Support Scams

Tells what to do if you get a pop-up, call or any other urgent message about a virus on your computer.

Using Money Transfer Services

When and how to use a money transfer service safely.