
Create My Quit Plan

walking in cold

Quitting starts now.
Make a plan.

Quitting is tough, but


boosts your chances of success. Build a quit plan to get ready and find out what to expect along the way. Complete 7 easy steps to get your personalized quit plan.

Build your quit plan now

Create your own quit plan by following the steps below. You can download, print, and add your quit plan to your online calendars.

pencil and calendar



*Start by setting your quit date

Choose a day within the next two weeks. This will give you enough time to prepare.

Please enter your Quit Day

one week

Nicotine is out of your system.

two weeks

Physical withdrawal symptoms fade.

one month

Cravings from emotional and habitual triggers may continue.

man making list in notepad with pen


Select your reasons for quitting. They will be added to your quit plan
breath easier icon
Be healthier
money icon
Save money
smell better icon
Smell better
loved ones icon
My loved ones
cup of coffee


Please select your smoking trigger(s)

Knowing your triggers helps you stay in control. When you first quit, you might want to completely avoid your triggers. After staying smokefree for a while, you may find other ways to handle your triggers.

*Select the triggers that cause you to smoke. They will be added to your quit plan.

Emotional Triggers
Feeling stressed
Feeling anxious
Feeling down
Feeling lonely
Feeling bored
Cooling off after a fight
Habitual Triggers
Talking on the phone
Drinking alcohol
Watching TV
Finishing a meal
Drinking coffee
Taking a work break
After having sex
Social Triggers
Going to a bar
Going to a social event
Seeing someone else smoke
girl doing yoga


Cravings only last a few minutes--but those minutes can be hard. Select the types of cravings you usually have. The tips for beating these cravings will be added to your quit plan.

a couple straws

Hold a straw in your hand and breathe through it.

hand holding coin

Play with a coin or paperclip to keep your hands busy.

yoga icon

Practice deep breathing to calm down or do some pushups to blow off steam.

two people icon

Turn to friends, family, and counselors when you need someone to talk to.

checklist icon

Make a list of tasks that you can accomplish when a craving hits. This list can include chores, replying to emails, running errands, or planning your schedule for the next day.

movie tickets

Treat yourself to a different pleasure. Listen to your favorite songs, plan a movie night with friends, or save up your cigarette money for a special treat when you reach a smokefree milestone.


Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), such as patches, gum, or lozenges, can help relieve your withdrawal symptoms. Talk to your doctor to see which type of NRT is right for you.

person running icon

To keep your energy level stable, get regular exercise and have healthy snacks throughout the day.

sleep cloud

Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep at night to help you from feeling slow during the day.

hand holding trash bag


Please select your smoking reminders(s)

Seeing reminders of smoking makes it harder to stay smokefree. Get rid of any reminders in your home, car, and workplace before your quit day. Below is a list of common smoking reminders and how to deal with them. This list will be added to your quit plan.

Get ready to quit

Wash your clothing, especially the jacket you wear to take smoke breaks.

car icon

Clean your car.

trash can

Get rid of matches, ashtrays, and any cigarette butts that may be outside your home.

table ornaments

Put craving fighting items—like straws, nicotine gum, or a list of chores—in the places where you kept your cigarettes, ashtrays, matches, and lighters.

The night before quit day, throw away everything that is related to smoking. Don’t hide a pack in your freezer or stash your ashtrays in the back of a cabinet.

Everything must go!

two people holding hands


Smokefree.gov has lots of tools to make quitting easier. Explore these resources and select the ones that interest you. They will be added to your quit plan with information on how to use them.

SmokefreeTXT is a mobile text messaging service designed for adults and young adults across the United States who are trying to quit smoking. Sign up online or send a text message with the word QUIT to 47848.

Smokefree Apps help you track cravings, monitor progress, and give you strategies to help you become smokefree.

Get extra support and information by checking out Smokefree on Facebook.

Consider calling either the National Cancer Institute or state quitlines to get information and help with quitting:

Get help quitting through an online chat with a smoking cessation counselor. LiveHelp is offered Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Visit the NCI LiveHelp page to chat with a counselor.

Using medications and/or nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can improve your chances of quitting for good. Make an appointment with your health care provider to find out which options are best for you.

Tell friends and family.

Quitting smoking is easier when you have support from your loved ones. Let your family and friends know that you are quitting, or invite a friend to quit with you.