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Serving Up MyPlate: A Yummy Curriculum

Last Published: 12/06/2017

Serving Up MyPlate Teachers GuideServing Up MyPlate is a collection of classroom materials that helps elementary school teachers integrate nutrition education into Math, Science, English Language Arts, and Health. This yummy curriculum introduces the importance of eating from all five food groups using the MyPlate icon and a variety of hands–on activities. Students also learn the importance of physical activity to staying healthy. Curriculum components:

  • Teacher’s Guides: Each Teacher's Guide has three inquiry-driven lessons that help children discover nutrition, explain their understandings, and reflect upon their experiences - all of which encourage a lasting awareness of what it means to be healthy.
  • Original Songs: Each level includes activities using original songs that help students learn about healthy choices in an engaging and memorable way. Lyrics are included in each of the Teacher's Guides:
Alive With Five Groups
Levels 1 and 2button 1 image
Do and Be
All levelsSong button 2 image
Do Your Body Right
Level 3Song button 6 image

CD Availability: A CD of the songs is included in each printed Teacher’s Guide.

  • Poster: This two-sided poster (36"x24") shows the MyPlate icon and foods in the five food groups. A blank MyPlate on the reverse can be used as a tool to assess students' understanding.
  • Mini Poster: This two-sided mini poster (8-1/2"x11") shows the MyPlate icon on one side and foods in the five food groups on the reverse.
  • Parent Handout: This colorful handout (4-page booklet) for parents reinforces the class lessons at home. It's available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and French.
  • Additional Games and Resources (Extra Helpings): Each lesson includes ideas on how to extend the learning beyond the lesson.

Share Your Stories! Team Nutrition is interested in hearing about your experiences with the materials. Your descriptions of successes and challenges help us create resources that better meet your needs. Email us!