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115th Congress     }                                {         Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session        }                                {        115-1018




 November 13, 2018.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on 
            the State of the Union and ordered to be printed


 Mr. Shuster, from the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, 
                        submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                        [To accompany H.R. 4673]

      [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]

    The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, to whom 
was referred the bill (H.R. 4673) to create opportunities for 
women in the aviation industry, having considered the same, 
report favorably thereon with an amendment and recommend that 
the bill as amended do pass.


Purpose of Legislation...........................................     2
Background and Need for Legislation..............................     2
Hearings.........................................................     3
Legislative History and Consideration............................     3
Committee Votes..................................................     3
Committee Oversight Findings.....................................     3
New Budget Authority and Tax Expenditures........................     3
Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate........................     4
Performance Goals and Objectives.................................     4
Advisory of Earmarks.............................................     5
Duplication of Federal Programs..................................     5
Disclosure of Directed Rule Makings..............................     5
Federal Mandate Statement........................................     5
Preemption Clarification.........................................     5
Advisory Committee Statement.....................................     5
Applicability of Legislative Branch..............................     6
Section-by-Section Analysis of Legislation.......................     6
Changes in Existing Law Made by the Bill, as Reported............     6

    The amendment is as follows:
  Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the 


  This Act may be cited as the ``Promoting Women in the Aviation 
Workforce Act''.


  It is the sense of Congress that the aviation industry should explore 
all opportunities, including pilot training, science, technology, 
engineering, and mathematics education, and mentorship programs, to 
encourage and support female students and aviators to pursue a career 
in aviation.


  (a) Advisory Board.--To encourage women and girls to enter the field 
of aviation, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration 
shall create and facilitate the Women in Aviation Advisory Board 
(referred to in this Act as the ``Board''), with the objective of 
promoting organizations and programs that are providing education, 
training, mentorship, outreach, and recruitment of women into the 
aviation industry.
  (b) Composition.--The Board shall consist of members whose diverse 
background and expertise allows them to contribute balanced points of 
view and ideas regarding the strategies and objectives set forth in 
subsection (f).
  (c) Selection.--Not later than 9 months after the date of enactment 
of this Act, the Administrator shall appoint members of the Board, 
including representatives from the following:
          (1) Major airlines and aerospace companies.
          (2) Nonprofit organizations within the aviation industry.
          (3) Aviation business associations.
          (4) Engineering business associations.
          (5) United States Air Force Auxiliary, Civil Air Patrol.
          (6) Institutions of higher education and aviation trade 
  (d) Period of Appointment.--Members shall be appointed to the Board 
for the duration of the existence of the Board.
  (e) Compensation.--Board members shall serve without compensation.
  (f) Duties.--Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Board shall present a comprehensive plan for strategies 
the Administration can take, which include the following objectives:
          (1) Identifying industry trends that directly or indirectly 
        encourage or discourage women from pursuing careers in 
          (2) Coordinating the efforts of airline companies, nonprofit 
        organizations, and aviation and engineering associations to 
        facilitate support for women pursuing careers in aviation.
          (3) Creating opportunities to expand existing scholarship 
        opportunities for women in the aviation industry.
          (4) Enhancing aviation training, mentorship, education, and 
        outreach programs that are exclusive to women.
  (g) Reports.--
          (1) In general.--Not later than 2 years after the date of 
        enactment of this Act, the Board shall submit a report 
        outlining the comprehensive plan for strategies pursuant to 
        subsection (f) to--
                  (A) the Committee on Transportation and 
                Infrastructure of the House of Representatives;
                  (B) the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
                Transportation of the Senate; and
                  (C) the Administrator.
          (2) Availability online.--The Administrator shall make the 
        report publicly available online and in print.
  (h) Sunset.--The Board shall terminate upon the submittal of the 
report pursuant to subsection (g).

                         PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION

    The Promoting Women in the Aviation Workforce Act (H.R. 
4673) establishes a Women in Aviation Advisory Board to develop 
a comprehensive plan to create and expand opportunities 
available to women in the aviation industry.


    H.R. 4673 directs the Administrator of the Federal Aviation 
Administration to establish the Women in Aviation Advisory 
Board to encourage women to enter the field of aviation. The 
Advisory Board would be composed of aviation industry 
representatives, representatives from non-profit aviation 
organizations, representatives of the United States Civil Air 
Patrol, and representatives of institutions of higher education 
and aviation trade schools.
    This legislation is necessary because women, despite making 
up 50 percent of the National workforce, are significantly 
underrepresented in the aviation industry. Women represent only 
2 percent of airline mechanics, 4 percent of flight engineers, 
5 percent of repairmen, 26 percent of air traffic controllers, 
18 percent of flight dispatchers, and 6 percent of pilots. 
Identifying industry trends that discourage women from pursuing 
careers in aviation and promoting organizations and programs 
that provide education, training, mentorship, outreach, and 
recruitment of women into aviation will serve to enhance 
opportunities for women and strengthen the American aerospace 


    No hearings were held on H.R. 4673.


    On December 18, 2017, Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (D-CT) 
along with Congresswomen Jackie Walorski (R-IN), Mimi Walters 
(R-CA), and Cheri Bustos (D-IL) introduced H.R. 4673. The bill 
was referred solely to the Committee on Transportation and 
    On April 12, 2018, the Committee on Transportation and 
Infrastructure met in open session to consider H.R. 4673. 
Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (D-CT) offered an amendment in the 
nature of a substitute to make minor modifications to the bill, 
which was adopted by a voice vote. The Committee ordered the 
bill, as amended, reported favorably to the House by a voice 
vote with a quorum present.

                            COMMITTEE VOTES

    Clause 3(b) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives requires each committee report to include the 
total number of votes cast for and against on each record vote 
on a motion to report and on any amendment offered to the 
measure or matter, and the names of those members voting for 
and against. There were no record votes taken in connection 
with consideration of H.R. 4673.


    With respect to the requirements of clause 3(c)(1) of rule 
XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the 
Committee's oversight findings and recommendations are 
reflected in this report.


    Clause 3(c)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives does not apply where a cost estimate and 
comparison prepared by the Director of the Congressional Budget 
Office under section 402 of the Congressional Budget Act of 
1974 has been timely submitted prior to the filing of the 
report and is included in the report. Such a cost estimate is 
included in this report.


    With respect to the requirement of clause 3(c)(3) of rule 
XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives and section 
402 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the Committee has 
received the enclosed cost estimate for H.R. 4673 from the 
Director of the Congressional Budget Office:

                                     U.S. Congress,
                               Congressional Budget Office,
                                       Washington, DC, May 7, 2018.
Hon. Bill Shuster,
Chairman, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure,
House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
    Dear Mr. Chairman: The Congressional Budget Office has 
prepared the enclosed cost estimate for H.R. 4673, the 
Promoting Women in the Aviation Workforce Act.
    If you wish further details on this estimate, we will be 
pleased to provide them. The CBO staff contact is Megan 
                                                Keith Hall,

H.R. 4673--Promoting Women in the Aviation Workforce Act

    H.R. 4673 would direct the Federal Aviation Administration 
(FAA) to establish an advisory committee to develop strategies 
to promote women's involvement in aviation. The bill details 
the composition and duties of the proposed committee and would 
require it to prepare a report, within two years of enactment, 
that outlines a comprehensive plan for improving efforts to 
recruit, mentor, and retain women throughout the aviation 
industry. Under the bill, the advisory committee would disband 
after issuing that report.
    Using information from the FAA about the administrative 
costs of other advisory committees, CBO estimates that 
implementing H.R. 4673 would cost less than $500,000 a year 
over the next two years; such spending would be subject to the 
availability of appropriated funds.
    Enacting H.R. 4673 would not affect direct spending or 
revenues; therefore, pay-as-you-go procedures do not apply.
    CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 4673 would not increase 
net direct spending or on-budget deficits in any of the four 
consecutive 10-year periods beginning in 2029.
    H.R. 4673 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector 
mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.
    The CBO staff contact for this estimate is Megan Carroll. 
The estimate was reviewed by H. Samuel Papenfuss, Deputy 
Assistant Director for Budget Analysis.


    With respect to the requirement of clause 3(c)(4) of rule 
XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the 
performance goal and objective of this legislation is to create 
and expand opportunities for women in the aviation industry 
through a comprehensive plan developed by the Women in Aviation 
Advisory Board and submitted to Congress.

                          ADVISORY OF EARMARKS

    Pursuant to clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House 
of Representatives, the Committee is required to include a list 
of congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited 
tariff benefits as defined in clause 9(e), 9(f), and 9(g) of 
rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives. No 
provision in the bill includes an earmark, limited tax benefit, 
or limited tariff benefit under clause 9(e), 9(f), or 9(g) of 
rule XXI.


    Pursuant to clause 3(c)(5) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the Committee finds that no provision 
of H.R. 4673 establishes or reauthorizes a program of the 
federal government known to be duplicative of another federal 
program, a program that was included in any report from the 
Government Accountability Office to Congress pursuant to 
section 21 of Public Law 111-139, or a program related to a 
program identified in the most recent Catalog of Federal 
Domestic Assistance.


    Pursuant to section 3(i) of H. Res. 5, 115th Cong. (2017), 
the Committee finds that enacting H.R. 4673 does not direct the 
completion of a specific rule making within the meaning of 
section 551 of title 5, United States Code.

                       FEDERAL MANDATE STATEMENT

    The Committee adopts as its own the estimate of federal 
mandates prepared by the Director of the Congressional Budget 
Office pursuant to section 423 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform 
Act (Public Law 104-4).

                        PREEMPTION CLARIFICATION

    Section 423 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 
requires the report of any Committee on a bill or joint 
resolution to include a statement on the extent to which the 
bill or joint resolution is intended to preempt state, local, 
or tribal law. The Committee states that H.R. 4673 does not 
preempt any state, local, or tribal law.


    One advisory committee within the meaning of section 5(b) 
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act is created by section 3 
of the legislation. Pursuant to section 5 of the Federal 
Advisory Committee Act, the Committee determines that the 
functions of this advisory committee is not being carried out 
by existing agencies or advisory commissions. The Committee 
also determines that the advisory committee has a clearly 
defined purpose, fairly balanced membership, and meets all of 
the other requirements of section 5(b) of the Federal Advisory 
Committee Act.


    The Committee finds that the legislation does not relate to 
the terms and conditions of employment or access to public 
services or accommodations within the meaning of section 
102(b)(3) of the Congressional Accountability Act (Public Law 


Section 1. Short title

    Section 1 designates the short title of the bill as the 
``Promoting Women in the Aviation Workforce Act''.

Section 2. Sense of Congress regarding women in aviation

    Section 2 expresses the sense of Congress that the aviation 
industry should explore all opportunities, including pilot 
training, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics 
education, and mentorship programs, to encourage and support 
female students and aviators to pursue a career in aviation.

Section 3. Supporting women's involvement in the aviation field

    Section 3 creates the Women in Aviation Advisory Board to 
promote organization and programs that are providing education, 
training, mentorship, outreach, and recruitment of women into 
the aviation industry.
    The Board will consist of a group of members with diverse 
expertise and backgrounds selected by the Administrator of the 
Federal Aviation Administration. Each member will be selected 
from a group representing one of the following: major airlines 
and aerospace companies; nonprofit organizations within the 
aviation industry; aviation business associations; engineering 
business associations; United States Air Force Auxiliary or the 
Civil Air Patrol; and institutions of higher education and 
aviation trade schools.
    The Board will develop a comprehensive plan to mitigate 
barriers existing for women entering the aviation industry and 
create ongoing opportunities in the form of scholarships, 
enhanced training, and outreach programs exclusive to women. 
The Board will submit this plan as a report to the Committee on 
Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of 
Representatives, to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
Transportation of the Senate, and to the Administrator of the 
Federal Aviation Administration to be made public, after which, 
the Board will terminate.


    There are no changes to existing law made by H.R. 4673.
