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NOTICE: Batch Query service will be discontinued June 2018
dbSNP build 151 release later this year will be the last dbSNP build 
that will support the batch query service.  This service will run until
June 2018 when it will be retired.
Users of human data should migrate to the new Variation Service which allow retrieval of RS in JSON format.

Please see the announcement regarding dbSNP future expansion and
supported services.

You can send your questions and concerns to


dbSNP Team

      dbSNP batch query allows you to retrieve a large number of SNPs in a batch using dbSNP accessions for individual submissions (ss#), submitter id's (handle|local_snp_id), or dbSNP RefSNP cluster ID's (rs#). You will be notified by email when your query is done with instructions for retrieving the result. There are two ways to submit the query from dbSNP:

(1) Select "Enter #" as a submission format below and enter the numbers directly on the next web page .
Select "Upload #" as a submission format below and upload a text file containing a list of SNP IDs on the upload web page. This query will accept lists generated by the users (Formatting instructions below) or result set downloaded from dbSNP or Entrez SNP (See sidebar and instruction).
  File formatting instructions:
  a. The list can only contain one type of entry, either rs, ss, or local snp ID.
  b. Each entry must contain the identifier prefix "ss" or "rs" (ie. ss23411 or rs23424) or the handle of the submitting lab and a vertical bar followed by the local snp ID (i.e. TSC-CSHL|TSC0000026).
  c. The entries does not have to be ordered, but they are limited to one per line.
  d. Save the list as a text file.



To begin, choose a type of submission format below and you will be directed to the correct web submission form for entering your email, SNP IDs, and output format.


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