Election Officials

Presidential Commission on Election Administration

Screen_Shot_2017-03-27_at_10.36.20_AMThe Presidential Commission on Election Administration (PCEA) was established by Executive Order on March 28, 2013. It was comprised of distinguished election administrators and representatives of successful customer service-oriented businesses who bring experience drawn from the private and public sectors to help identify best practices in election administration. The PCEA’s mission was to identify best practices in election administration and to make recommendations to improve the voting experience. Since then, election officials and voters across the United States have used PCEA’s research, recommendations and tools to improve elections. The Election Assistance Commission is honored to house the PCEA’s online resources so that this valuable information can still be accessed by voters and election officials working to improve U.S. elections.


Download Pursuant to Executive Order 13639, the Presidential Commission on Election Administration has submitted its Report and Recommendations to the President.

Election Officials