12.3.4 Applicant Release Notes

  • Production Deployment Date: April 27, 2014


  • SAM Interface
    • Enhanced Validation
    • Grant Applicant Center (Logged-in)
  • Print View Grant Opportunity
  • Forms Repository
  • Other

SAM Interface

Enhanced Grants.gov to use new SAM daily and monthly extract file formats and processing DUNS deactivations from SAM.

Enhanced Validation

  • Submission: Submissions are now rejected for DUNS deactivated in SAM
  • Registration: Registrations are now rejected if the
    • MPIN is missing
    • EBizPOC email address is missing
    • DUNS deactivated in SAM
  • I Forgot My Password/Unlock My Account
    • Added error message to inform EBizPOC when email address is missing

SAM Interface - Applicant Center

"Deactivated" is displayed instead of expiration date for DUNS deactivated in

View Grant Opportunity - Print

Added Print link to all View Grant Opportunity tabs to print desired version of the synopsis and its components

Forms Repository

Enhanced Forms Repository in Training (AT07) to display Planned and In Progress forms

Forms Repository - Download PDF

  • Eliminated browser incompatibilities (due to PDF plug-ins) by requiring fillable PDFs to be downloaded and saved prior to viewing
  • File download dialog box differs depending on browser

Download Application Package

  • Eliminated browser incompatibilities (due to PDF plug-ins) by requiring Download Package PDFs to be downloaded and saved prior to viewing
  • File download dialog box differs depending on browser

Package Modification Notification

  • The URL in the Package Modification Notification email was modified to link to the Download Application Package page
  • Emails received prior to the release continue to work by prompting the user to download and save the PDF prior to viewing

Meta Grant Application

Enhanced Meta Grant and Meta Multi-Grant Application pages and Applicant Schema to exclude retired forms and form versions

Additional Applicant Changes

  • Improved user response time on several pages
    • Grant Applicant Center (logged-in)
    • Check My Application Status
    • Site Content Search
  • Enhanced static search to clear previous results when new search is entered
  • Enhanced validation to prevent EBizPOC registering an Applicant account using new tab in the same browser
  • Fixed intermittent session issues (login page error, unexpected logoffs)
  • Addressed security findings to support Grants.gov Authority to Operate (ATO)