15.0 Applicant Release Notes

  • Production Deployment Date: October 17-19, 2015
  • Training Deployment Date: October 19-21, 2015


  1. Workspace Overview
  2. Upcoming User Impacts

Workspace Overview

Workspace Features for Applicants

  • Workspace provides an interactive and collaborative environment for applicants to complete an application package
    • New applicant role "Manage Workspace" allows for creating and managing workspaces
    • Forms can be downloaded and distributed so that forms can be populated concurrently
    • If a grantor changes the opportunity package, existing workspaces can be updated and applicant data retained
    • Workspace and submission data maintained for 3 years
  • Application package and form validation performed prior to submitting to reduce rejections after submission
  • Reduces time to complete forms by providing ability to reuse form data by uploading forms completed in a prior workspace
  • Release 15.0 builds initial Workspace capability with basic features and provides the groundwork for future enhancement releases
  • Implement context-sensitive help via an online user guide for workspace pages. There will be only one online user guide for both applicants and grantors

Workspace Status

  • New - Workspace was created and no forms activity has occurred
  • In Progress - One or more forms are "In Progress"
  • Ready for Submission - Workspace Owner clicked button to mark the workspace as complete, which notifies AOR that the workspace is ready for submission. If additional form changes are needed, the workspace can be Reopened to change the status back to In Progress
  • Submitted - AOR submitted the application package using Workspace and no forms have been modified after submission. If additional form changes are needed, the workspace can be reopened to change the status back to In Progress
  • Archived - Once an opportunity package is closed or deleted, the workspace continues to be available to allow applicants to reuse their form data to populate forms in other workspaces. Though the workspace remains open for reuse, its status is Archived

Upcoming User Impacts

Effective Date: January 1, 2016 (Note: No waivers permitted):

Applicant S2S – Port 446 Disablement

  • Port 446 will no longer be available in any environment
  • Port 443 will continue to only support:
    • SHA-2 Certificates
    • TLS v1.1 and TLS v1.2

Applicant S2S – S2S Versions

  • S2S V0 and V1 end points are being discontinued
  • S2S V2 will be the only end point supported

Effective Date: April 4, 2016

Applicants and Applicant S2S – Grants.gov URL Redirect Support

  • Grants.gov will no longer provide URL redirects for outdated Grants.gov pages
  • The old Training (AT07) URLs will no longer be rerouted to the new URLs