15.4 Applicant Release Notes

  • Production Deployment Date: February 18-21, 2017
  • Training Deployment Date: February 21-22, 2017


  • Applicant Enhancements
  • User Impacts
  • Learn more about Workspace

Applicant Enhancements

Grants.gov Home Page Redesign

Applicant: Online Forms

  • 50 Online Forms will be available in Production, selected based on usage
  • Incorporate Online Forms UAT feedback:
    • Enhanced "Save & Upload" button and functionality to a single "Save" feature
    • Changed "Cancel" button to "Close" and prompt user to save/discard changes
    • Added Autosavefeature
    • Added support for read-only forms; only a "Close" button is available
  • Workspace changes:
    • Renamed "Last Uploaded Date/Time" to "Last Updated Date/Time"
    • Removed Upload Count
    • Added support for hybrid approach: Edit and Upload/Download
    • Enhanced Activities tab entries to support online form activities

R15.4 Online Forms

  • SF424 (R & R) [V2.0]
  • Research & Related Budget [V1.3]
  • Research and Related Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) [V2.0]
  • Project/Performance Site Location(s) [V2.0]
  • Research & Related Personal Data [V1.2]
  • Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) [V2.1]
  • Application for Federal Domestic Assistance -Individual [V1.1]
  • SF424 Mandatory Form [V1.2]
  • Application for Federal Domestic Assistance -Short Organizational [V1.1]
  • Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A) [V1.0]
  • Research and Related Other Project Information [V1.3]
  • Key Contacts [V1.0]
  • Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL) [V1.1]
  • Faith Based EEO Survey [V1.2]
  • R & R SubawardBudget Attachment(s) Form 5 YR 30 ATT [V1.3]**
  • Planned Enrollment Report [V1.0]
  • PHS 398 Cumulative Inclusion Enrollment Report [V1.0]
  • PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement [V2.0]
  • PHS 398 Research Plan [V2.0]
  • PHS 398 Modular Budget [V1.2]
  • Project Narrative Attachment Form [V1.1]
  • Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B) [V1.1]
  • Attachments [V1.1]
  • Other Attachments Form [V1.1]
  • Budget Narrative Attachment Form [V1.1]
  • SBIR/STTR_Information [V1.1]
  • Grants.gov Lobbying Form [V1.1]
  • Attachments [V1.0]
  • R & R Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form [V1.3] **
  • HHS Checklist (08-2007) [V2.1]
  • ED GEPA427 Form [V1.1]
  • ED Abstract Form [V1.1]
  • Budget Narrative Attachment Form [V1.0]
  • CD511 Form [V1.1]
  • Research & Related Senior/Key Person Profile [V1.1]
  • HUD Applicant-Recipient Disclosure Report [V1.1]
  • NIFA Supplemental Information [V1.2]
  • EPA Key Contacts Form [V1.1]
  • Other Attachments Form [V1.0]
  • Project Abstract Summary [V1.1]
  • ED SF424 Supplement [V1.3]
  • Disclosure of Lobbying Activities [V1.2]
  • NEH Supplemental Information for Individuals [V2.0]
  • Protection of Human Subjects [V1.1]
  • Project Narrative Attachment Form [V1.0]
  • Budget Information for Construction Programs (SF-424C) [V2.0]
  • Research & Related Budget 10YR [V1.3]
  • Assurances for Construction Programs (SF-424D) [V1.1]
  • Project/Performance Site Location(s) [V1.4]

Versions in RED are Inactive
** Forms with Subforms

Manage My Workspace

  • Hybrid Approach: Forms can be edited online or downloaded to complete offline

Sample Online Forms

  • Left-navigation with sub-items
  • Error messages link to corresponding fields
  • Inline validation messages

Applicant: User Access Management Unique Usernames and Email Addresses

  • Allow users to consolidate user accounts to move towards one account per Grants.gov Applicant with (1) unique User ID, (2) all required account fields populated, and (3) unique email address
  • Each user will have one Grants.gov User ID/Password to:
    • Remember
    • Login
    • Reset Password
    • Lays the foundation for future enhancements
  • Users only need to register once with Grants.gov and will be able to maintain one account
  • Users may delay the merging of accounts, but Grants.gov highly recommends merging your accounts at your earliest convenience
  • Note: EBizuser accounts cannot be merged with other Grants.gov accounts

(1) Login - Duplicate User ID

  • Applicants change User ID if duplicate with EBiz POC

(2) Login –Missing Account Information

  • Users are prompted to enter missing account information during the login process

(3) Login –Duplicate Email Address

  • Applicant merge their multiple accounts to consolidate into a single Grants.gov account (User ID/Password) with a unique email address

Manage Account –Merge Accounts Tab –Confirm Email Address

  • Users confirm their email address prior to merging

Manage Account –Merge Accounts Tab –Merge Accounts -Applicant

  • All accounts with duplicate email address are listed. Users select which accounts (only one per DUNS) to keep and merge or to delete.

Manage Account –Add Profile

  • Once account has unique email address, users can add profiles to their account
  • Note: Users will not be able to add a profile to/from an EBizuser account

Manage Account –Merge Accounts Tab –Merge Accounts -Applicant

  • All accounts with duplicate email address are listed. Users select which accounts (only one per DUNS) to keep and merge or to delete.

Manage Account –Add Profile

  • Once account has unique email address, users can add profiles to their account
  • Note: Users will not be able to add a profile to/from an EBizuser account

Switch Profile

  • Once users have multiple profiles, they can switch between their profiles

Manage Account –Account Details

  • Consolidate Manage Account features

Applicant Center

  • Current Profile Name displayed on Applicant Center page

Manage Organization Profile

  • Combine View EBiz POC Profile page with Manage Organization Profile page

Manage Account

  • Provide ability to manage profiles (Add, Edit, Delete, Hide/Unhide)

Manage Account –Manage Profiles

  • Provide ability to manage profiles (Add, Edit, Delete, Hide/Unhide)
  • Profile Name defaults to Username. Edit Profile allows users to rename profiles as desired

EBiz User Management:Manage Applicants for Organization

  • Manage Applicants for Organizations updated to support user profiles

EBiz Certificate Management:Manage Certificates for Organization

  • Separate Certificate and User management. Certificate Management is provided for organizations that use S2S.

R15.4 Applicant S2S Impact

  • With merged accounts, User ID and DUNS is needed to uniquely identify a Profile so Applicant may need to make the below changes to their S2S interface
  • Authenticate AOR web service
    • New optional element added: DUNS
    • DUNS must be specified to uniquely identify Profile and return correct AOR Status for multi-profile accounts

Applicant: Opportunity Package Preview

View Package Forms

  • Enhance View Grant Opportunity –Package Tab
  • Allow users to view Package forms for both Single-Project and Multi-Project Packages without registering/logging in to Grants.gov
  • Clicking on a form displays flat PDF in a new browser tab

View Grant Opportunity –Package Tab

  • Click the Preview link to select the forms within the opportunity package to preview

View Grant Opportunity –Preview Action

  • Single-Project view -click on the form to preview the form
  • Multi-Project view -click on the form to preview the form

Applicant: Manage Workspaces Page -Reduce the Default "Last Activity Date" Range

Default Activity Ranges

  • Reduce default range of "Last Activity Date" on:
    • Manage Workspaces
    • Must click the Search button to return results
    • Last Activity Date range defaults to the last 3 months

Summary of User Impacts

For the latest information on upcoming changes with user impacts, please check out the Grants.gov Notices page.


For more information about Grants.gov Workspace, please visit our various Workspace resources: