16.0 Applicant Release Notes

  • Production Deployment Date: June 17-19, 2017
  • Training Deployment Date: June 19-21, 2017


  • Applicant Enhancements
  • User Impacts
  • Learn more about Workspace

Consolidate Applicant Menu Items

Applicant Center

  • New menu structure to consolidate menu items

Manage Profiles - Applicant Roles

  • The roles for each Applicant Profile can be viewed under the Manage Account - Manage Profiles tab

Applicant Center - Action Menu Items

Revised Menu Items AOR* Expanded AOR* Manage Workspace Role Only* No Roles EBiz POC Individual Applicant* Notes
Grant Applications:              
Apply for Grants x x x x   x  
Check Application Status x x     x x Combination of Check My Application Status and Check Application Status for Organization
Track My Application     x x     Public page for checking Submission Status
Manage Workspaces x x x x x x Combination of Manage My Workspaces and Manage Workspaces for Organization
Applicant Management:              
Manage Applicants x x x   x   Combination of Manage Active Applicants and Manage Applicants for Organization
Manage Certificates x x     x   Only visiblefor S2S organizations
Manage Organization Profile x x     x    

* Display the collection of menu items available based on roles for all profiles. For example, a user with at least one profile with AOR roles will see all logged in menu items.

Allow Applicants to Be Added to a Workspace Regardless of Organization Affiliation

Workspace Participants from different Organizations/DUNS

  • Applicants can be added as Workspace participants regardless of profile/organization affiliation
  • Manage Workspaces includes all Workspaces available to the user
  • Check Application Status continues to be for AORs and includes their submissions for all profiles
  • Manage Applicants, Manage Certificates, and Manage Organization Profile continue to be profile specific

View Grant Opportunity

  • Select the Profile/DUNS if user has multiple profiles with Manage Workspace role
  • Applicants must enter an Application Filing Name to Create Workspace
  • Display all Workspaces where user is a Participant or has Manage Workspace role for the Organization owning the Workspace

Check Application Status

  • Displays if user is AOR w/o MPIN for one of their Applicant Profiles
  • Results display a list of Submissions that either:
    • were submitted by the user
    • belong to an Organization where user is AOR w/ MPIN, Expanded AOR, or EBiz POC

Submission Details - SP

  • Display Agency Notes or Rejection Message
  • For Single-Project submissions, displays a list of all the forms received with corresponding attachments

Submission Details - MP

  • For Multi-Project submissions, displays a list of all the attachments received

Manage Workspaces

  • The Enter MPIN for Organization Access button - Display if user is AOR w/o MPIN for one of their Applicant Profiles
  • Results display list of Workspaces matching the search criteria to which applicant has access.

Reuse Workspace Form

  • The Enter MPIN for Organization Access button - Allow AORs to enter MPIN to reuse matching forms from all Organization Workspaces

Manage Applicants

  • Workspace Owner & AOR w/o MPIN access
  • AOR w/ MPIN, Expanded AOR, EBiz POC (Select Profile hidden)

Manage Certificates

  • Selecting Profile prompts for MPIN if needed
  • Select Profile hidden for EBiz POC

Manage Organization Profile

  • AOR w/o MPIN
  • AOR w/ MPIN
  • Expanded AOR
  • EBiz POC (Select Profile not available)

Manage Profiles

  • Applicants manage/view all their Workspaces and Submissions –no longer need to specify Default, Hide, or switch between Profiles

Forms-Level Access Control for Applicant within Workspace

Form-Level Access

  • Allow Workspace Owner to grant Budget/Non-Budget access to participants and to grant access to specific Subaward Budget Subforms
    • Budget access defaults based on Organization parameter
    • Control access per user per Workspace
      • Control Subaward Budget Subform access per user per Subform

Budget Form Access Example: Workspace With No Subforms

Form Budget Form Participant 1 Form Access: All Participant 2 Form Access: Non-Budget
SF424 (R & R) [V2.0] No x x
PHS 398 Research Plan [V3.0] No x x
PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement [V3.0] No x x
Research and Related Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) [V2.0] No x x
Research and Related Other Project Information [V1.3] No x x
Research & Related Budget [V1.4] Yes x  
Project/Performance Site Location(s) [V2.0] No x x


Form Access Example: Workspace with Budget Subforms

Form Budget Form Participant 1 Form Access: All Participant 2 Form Access: Non-Budget Participant 3 Form Access: Subform(s) Only
SF424 (R & R) [V2.0] No x x  
PHS 398 Research Plan [V3.0] No x x  
PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement [V3.0] No x x  
Research and Related Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) [V2.0] No x x  
Research And Related Other Project Information [V1.3] No x x  
Research & Related Budget [V1.4] Yes x    
Project/Performance Site Location(s) [V2.0] No x x  
R & R Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form 5 YR 30 ATT [V1.4] Yes x    
     Subform 1 Yes x    
     Subform 2 Yes x   x
     Subform 3 Yes x    


Form Access Example: Workspace with Non-Budget Subforms

Form Budget Form Participant 1 Form Access: All Participant 2 Form Access: Non-Budget Participant 3 Form Access: Subform(s) Only
SF424 (R & R) [V2.0] No x x  
PHS 398 Research Plan [V3.0] No x x  
PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement [V3.0] No x x  
Researchand Related Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) [V2.0] No x x  
Research And Related Other Project Information [V1.3] No x x  
Research & Related Budget [V1.4] Yes x    
Project/Performance Site Location(s) [V2.0] No x x  
New NIH Clinical Trials Form No x x  
     Subform 1 No x x  
     Subform 2 No x x x
     Subform 3 No x x  


Budget Forms

  • Budget Information for Construction Programs (SF-424C) [V1.0], [V2.0]
  • Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A) [V1.0]
  • Budget Narrative Attachment Form [V1.0], [V1.1], [V1.2]
  • HUD Detailed Budget Form [V1.1]
  • Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) Detailed Budget Worksheet [V2.0]
  • PHS 398 Modular Budget [V1.2]
  • PHS 398 Training Budget [V1.0]
  • PHS 398 Training Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form [V2.0] **
  • R & R Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form [V1.2], [V1.3], [V1.4] **
  • R & R Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form 10 YR 10 ATT [V1.3], [V1.4] **
  • R & R Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form 10 YR 30 ATT [V1.3], [V1.4] **
  • R & R Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form 5 YR 30 ATT [V1.3], [V1.4] **
  • Research & Related Budget [V1.1], [V1.3], [V1.4]
  • Research & Related Budget 10YR [V1.3], [V1.4]
  • Research & Related Subaward Budget (Total Fed + Non-Fed) 5 YR 30 ATT [V1.2], [V1.3] **
  • Research & Related Subaward Budget (Total Fed + Non-Fed) Attachment(s) Form [V1.2], [V1.3] **
  • RR FedNonFed Budget [V1.1], [V1.2]

Versions in RED are Inactive

** Forms with Subforms

Participants Tab – Without Subforms

  • Participant AORs and Workspace Owners must have access to All Forms

Participants Tab – With Subform(s)

  • SubformAccess is managed by authorized users for Organization owning the Workspace

Subforms Modal – Budget Forms

  • Expanded AOR, AOR with MPIN, and EBiz POC have access to Organization Forms but are not listed as Participants

Manage Workspace – Details Tab

  • New Details link takes users to Submission Details
  • Download link available only for users with All Form access for all Workspace forms

Organization Preferences

  • Allow Organizations to set Budget Form access default
  • Release 16.0 deployment and New Organizations added after R16.0 default to All Forms Including Budget

Workspace Progress Bar

  • Progress bar states determined using the Workspace, Form, and Submission statuses
Progress Bar States
Created O Fill Out Forms O Complete and Notify AOR O Submit O Agency Received
Created ... Fill Out Forms O Complete and Notify AOR O Submit O Agency Received
Created Forms Passed O Complete and Notify AOR O Submit O Agency Received
Created Forms Passed Completed and Notify AOR O Submit O Agency Received
Created Forms Passed Completed and Notify AOR ... Submit O Agency Received
Created Forms Passed Completed and Notify AOR X Rejected O Agency Received
Created Forms Passed Completed and Notify AOR Submitted O Agency Received
Created Forms Passed Completed and Notify AOR Submitted Agency Received


SAM Interface Enhancements

  • Grants.gov interface with New SAM real-time web service
  • Currently, Grants.gov receives SAM updates daily
  • With R16.0, Grants.gov will retrieve real-time SAM information to allow users to register and submit in Grants.gov shortly after updating their information in SAM
  • Add Verify button to Workspace when SAM registration is deactivated or expired to allow users to retrieve latest SAM expiration date

Manage Workspace Header

  • Click to verify SAM data if expiration date is in the past or DUNS deactivated

Enhance Email Capability to Communicate Directly with Grants.gov Users

New Grants.gov Alerts Emails

  • New Grants.gov Alerts emails notify users of time-sensitive information about Grants.gov changes that impact users
  • Users can access the Unsubscribe via a link within the Grants.gov Alerts email

PDF Submission Receipt

  • For the PDF Submission Receipt email, add a "Did You Know" reminder that the Legacy PDF Application Package will be phased out on December 31, 2017

Other Enhancements

  • Continue additional minor Workspace enhancements and bug fixes
  • Continue development of additional Online Forms which are released to Production as they are completed

Summary of User Impacts

For the latest information on upcoming changes with user impacts, please check out the Grants.gov Notices page.

Effective Date Notice
June 30, 2017 Previous/Legacy XML extract format retired
October 23, 2017 (Release 16.1) Opportunity Subscription Enhancements
October 23, 2017 (Release 16.1) New S2S Submission Header Version
December 31, 2017 Legacy PDF Application Package will be phased out
December 31, 2017 Opportunity Packages containing specific inactive R&R Forms can no longer be created by Grantors


Opportunity Subscriptions

Grants.gov will be enhancing the Opportunity Subscription Management capability to allow users to better manage their subscriptionswithin their Grants.gov account

  • If you have an existing Grants.gov account before October 21, 2017, you will be able to view and manage your current subscriptions after Release 16.1 is deployed on October 23, 2017. Please note: the email address on your Grants.gov account must match the email address used to subscribe. Also, if you have multiple Grants.gov accounts using the same email address, please merge the accounts prior to October 21, 2017.
  • If you have subscriptions and do not have a Grants.gov account by October 21, 2017, you will need to use our new streamlined registration process to create an account and add your subscriptions on or after Release 16.1 is deployed on October 23, 2017.

S2S Submission Header

New S2S Submission Header Version

  • A new version of the Submission Header will be available on October 23, 2017 which uses Opportunity Package ID to uniquely identify the package instead of Funding Opportunity Number, CFDA, and Competition ID.
  • Both the current and new Submission Headers will be supported until June 15, 2018.
  • The current version of the Submission Header will no longer be supported on June 15, 2018.

Transition to Workspace

Legacy PDF Application Package will be phased out in December 31, 2017.

  • Applicants will no longer be able to download the older, single PDF application package of forms.
  • Applicants can apply for grants using Grants.gov Workspace, which separates the application package into individual forms. Applicants can create a workspace, complete the forms online or by filling out the separate PDF forms, and submit their application workspace package.
  • The new online forms interface is now available in Grants.gov and is only accessible through Workspace.
  • For any funding opportunities where applicants have downloaded the legacy PDF application package, they will be able to continue to submit that package until March 31, 2018.
  • S2S Submissions will continue to be supported.

Transition to Workspace Resources

Inactive R&R Forms

Opportunity Packages cannot be created by Grantors containing the following inactive R&R Forms after December 31, 2017:

  • R & R Multi-Project SubawardBudget Attachment(s) Form 10YR 30ATT [V1.0]
  • R & R SubawardBudget Attachment(s) Form [V1.2], [V1.3]
  • R & R SubawardBudget Attachment(s) Form 10 YR 10 ATT [V1.3]
  • R & R SubawardBudget Attachment(s) Form 10 YR 30 ATT [V1.3]
  • R & R SubawardBudget Attachment(s) Form 5 YR 30 ATT [V1.3]
  • RR FedNonFedBudget [V1.1]
  • Research & Related Budget [V1.1], [V1.3]
  • Research & Related Budget 10YR [V1.3]
  • Research & Related Multi-Project 10 Year Budget [V1.0]
  • Research & Related Personal Data [V1.1]
  • Research & Related Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) [V1.1]
  • Research & Related SubawardBudget (Total Fed + Non-Fed) 5 YR 30 ATT [V1.2]
  • Research & Related SubawardBudget (Total Fed + Non-Fed) Attachment(s) Form [V1.2]
  • Research And Related Other Project Information [V1.2]
  • SBIR/STTR Information [V1.1]
  • SF424 (R & R) [V1.1], [V1.2]

Opportunity Packages created prior to December 31, 2017 may continue to contain these forms