16.3 Applicant Release Notes

  • Production Deployment Date: October 20-22, 2018
  • Training Deployment Date: October 22-24, 2018

Release 16.3 Summary

  • Enhance Reset Password process
  • Require unique email address (merge accounts)
  • Related Opportunities
    • Display in View Grant Opportunity
    • Include in Search results
  • Related Submissions
    • Workspace Sign and Submit
    • Check Application Status / Submission Details
  • Applicant S2S
    • Header V2.0
    • Specify Related Submissions
  • New email notifications
    • SAM registration about to expire
    • S2S Certificate about to expire
  • Other Enhancements
    • Track My Application: Clarify button and always show search criteria
    • Check Application Status: Add Application Filing Name as search criteria

Enhance Reset Password Process

  • No longer collect secret question and answer during registration
  • Enter a temporary code sent to your account’s email address to reset forgotten password
    • User allowed to change Password after entering correct temporary code
  • Change Password functionality after login is not affected

Forgot Password / Unlock Account

Required to use Temporary Code sent to email account associated with Grants.gov username in order to reset password

Require Unique Email Address (Merge Accounts)

  • User accounts must have a unique email address for features such as password reset, email subscriptions, forum, etc.
    • Users must either merge their accounts or change their email address during the login process
    • Users will no longer be allowed to postpone this task if they have multiple accounts with duplicate email addresses

Related Opportunities – View Grant Opportunity

  • From View Grant Opportunity, Applicants have ability to view related Opportunities
  • Expand Keyword and Opportunity Number search to include Related Opportunities

Related Submissions – Submit Workspace

Relate submissions to facilitate Grantors identifying resubmitted applications

Check Application Status - Related Submissions

When Applicants relate resubmissions, they are able to view all related submissions

Manage Workspace / Submission Details - Related Submissions

View Related Submissions from additional pages

Applicant S2S

  • Use Applicant Submission Header V2.0 instead of Header V1.0
    • After October 22, Header V1.0 will be retired
  • Use Get Opportunity List web service instead of web services being retired:
    • Get Opportunities
    • Get Opportunity Plus Comp Title
  • Web services will have a new optional input parameter to provide Previous Tracking Number in order to relate submissions
    • Submit Application
    • Submit Application as Third Party

Applicant Submission Header

Header-V1.0 (Cannot be used after R16.3)

Data Element Type / Max Length Required?
Hash Value


Agency Name


CFDA Number


Mandatory if Package has CFDA
CFDA Title 120 Optional
Funding Opportunity Number 100 Mandatory
Funding Opportunity Title 255 Optional
Competition ID 100 Mandatory if Package has a Competition ID
Opening Date Date Optional
Closing Date Date Optional
Application Filing Name 240 Optional



Data Element Type / Max Length Required?
Package ID 11 Mandatory
Application Filing Name




  • Identify a Package using Opportunity Package ID
  • Simplify data collected and remove Hash
  • Note: There is no impact to the submission files received by the Grantors.


New Email Notifications

  • Your SAM Registration is expiring soon
    • Sent 60 days and 30 days before SAM expiration
    • Recipients: EBiz POC and users with any of the following privileges
      • Manage Organization
      • Submit Applications for My Workspace
      • Submit Applications for Organization Workspaces
  • Your S2S Certificate is expiring soon
    • Sent 60 days, 30 days, and 15 days before Certificate expiration
      • Uses certificate expiration date provided on the Certificate Request Form
    • Recipients:
      • Certificate email address
      • EBiz POC and Applicants with “Manage Organization” or “Manage Certificates” privilege

Other Enhancements – Track My Application

  • Enhance Application tracking
  • Search box always visible

Other Enhancements – Check Application Status

Add Application Filing Name to Search criteria and results

Summary of User Impacts

For the latest information on upcoming changes with user impacts, please check out the Grants.gov Notices page.

Affected Users Effective Date Notice
Applicant S2S

October 20, 2018 (Release 16.3)

Grants.gov will only accept new submission header V2.0 for Applicant S2S

After October 20, 2018, Applicant S2S systems will need to utilize the new submission header V2.0. Submission Header V1.0 will no longer be supported.

Applicant web services Get Opportunities and Get Opportunity Plus Comp Title will no longer be supported. S2S applicants need to transition to use the Get Opportunity List web service

Get Opportunities Expanded web service will be updated to return the opportunities with header V2.0

No impact to Grantor web services

Applicant UI

October 20, 2018 (Release 16.3)

Applicant accounts with a duplicate email address will be required to merge their accounts to login to Grants.gov

To merge your accounts, you need access to the email address associated with the accounts. If you no longer have access to the email account or you do not want to merge these accounts, then you can change the email address to enter a unique email address.

Applicant, Grantor

October 20, 2018 (Release 16.3)

Grants.gov password reset process improvements

The process to reset a forgotten password will change to require you to enter a temporary password that will be sent to the email address associated with your Grants.gov account. Please ensure the email address associated with your Grants.gov account is up to date and accessible.

Applicant S2S December 31, 2019

The following web services will be retired:

  • Get Opportunities Expanded: Replaced by Get Opportunity List
  • Get Application Status Detail: Replaced by Get Application Info
  • Get Application List: Replaced by Get Submission List
  • Get Application List As Third Party: Replaced by Get Submission List As Third Party