Summary: H.R.2584 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)All Information (Except Text)

There is one summary for H.R.2584. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in House (05/22/2017)

National Park Service Legacy Act of 2017

This bill: (1) establishes the National Park Service Legacy Restoration Fund, and (2) requires specified amounts of federal mineral revenues that are not otherwise credited, covered, or deposited pursuant to federal law to be deposited into such fund each fiscal year through FY2047.

Amounts in the fund shall be used for meeting high-priority deferred maintenance needs of the National Park Service (NPS) as follows:

  • 20% shall be allocated to transportation-related projects that may be eligible for funding made available to the NPS through the federal lands transportation program or any similar federal land highway program administered by the Department of Transportation; and
  • 80% shall be allocated for the repair and rehabilitation of assets for certain projects that are not eligible for funding under such programs, including historic assets, nonhistoric assets related to visitor access, health and safety, and recreation, and visitor facilities, water and utility systems, and employee housing.

No fund amounts may be used by the NPS to acquire land or to supplant discretionary funding made available for annually recurring facility operations and maintenance needs.

As part of its annual budget submission, the NPS shall submit a prioritized list of deferred maintenance projects proposed to be funded by such fund during the fiscal year.