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Search Strategy Used to Create the Systematic Reviews Subset on PubMed

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This strategy is intended to retrieve citations to systematic reviews in PubMed and encompasses: citations assigned the "Systematic Review" publication type during MEDLINE indexing; citations that have not yet completed MEDLINE indexing; and non-MEDLINE citations. This filter can be used in a search as systematic [sb].

     Example: exercise hypertension AND systematic [sb]

This filter is also available on the Filters sidebar under "Article types." It is also available on the Clinical Queries screen.

Strategy last modified December 2018.

(((systematic review[ti] OR systematic literature review[ti] OR systematic scoping review[ti] OR 
systematic narrative review[ti] OR systematic qualitative review[ti] OR systematic evidence review[ti] OR 
systematic quantitative review[ti] OR systematic meta-review[ti] OR systematic critical review[ti] OR 
systematic mixed studies review[ti] OR systematic mapping review[ti] OR systematic cochrane review[ti] OR 
systematic search and review[ti] OR systematic integrative review[ti]) NOT comment[pt] NOT (protocol[ti] OR 
protocols[ti])) NOT MEDLINE [subset]) OR (Cochrane Database Syst Rev[ta] AND review[pt]) OR 
systematic review[pt] 

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