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This Week in GeorgiaGov: Consumer Protection

Watch Your Money this Holiday Shopping Season

November 16, 2017

Are you ready for the holiday shopping season? So are scammers! Learn how to protect yourself and your money.

Groundbreaking in Augusta: Georgia’s Cybersecurity Reaches New Heights

June 19, 2017

We are thrilled to announce the start of construction on the Cyber Innovation and Training Center. This one-of-a-kind facility will bring cybersecurity in Georgia to the next level.

The Office of Planning and Budget Wants Your Opinion

March 9, 2017

Do you have an interest in consumer health or air quality? We want to hear from you!

Beware of Tax Scams

February 16, 2017

Last year, the Georgia Department of Revenue blocked over $98 million in tax fraud! Learn how to reduce your risk of becoming the next victim.

Are You Ready for Winter Weather? [Infographic]

January 3, 2017

Stay safe and save money this winter! Learn how to prepare your family and your home for the cold.

Stay Safe, Holiday Shoppers

December 6, 2016

Are you still looking for the perfect gift? Don’t fall victim of a holiday scam!

Get Answers With Consumer Ed

November 21, 2016

Get help with your most important purchase decisions from the Consumer Ed.

Beware Of Fake Contractors In Georgia

November 1, 2016

If your home was damaged by Hurricane Matthew, professional con artists may try to make you their victim as well. Ask questions, pay close attention and never pay someone posing as an “official” FEMA contractor.

Don't be a Victim of Identity Theft

April 26, 2016

Your identity belongs to you. Don't let someone take it away!

The Georgia Lemon Law 101

April 5, 2016

Did you buy or lease a new car and it's turned out to be a lemon? Learn how to make lemonade!
