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The Success Rate page has historical data on research receiving funds, who asked and amount awarded?

PubMed - 20 million citations Data.Gov - Empowering People
Recovery Act

Recovery Act-Funded Supplements Providing Summer Research Experiences

Note: Locations and boundaries are approximate, and are presented for reference only.

Funding in All States

State Projects 2010 - High School Student
Positions Awarded
2010 - College Student
Positions Awarded
2010 - Teacher
Positions Awarded
Alabama 22 2 14 3
Alaska 1 0 0 0
Arizona 8 2 17 0
Arkansas 8 5 43 6
California 122 62 134 20
Colorado 26 1 19 1
Connecticut 30 4 26 5
Delaware 4 0 10 5
District Of Columbia 20 2 17 2
Florida 26 6 25 4
Georgia 26 7 23 4
Hawaii 3 0 0 11
Idaho 2 0 2 0
Illinois 70 15 62 9
Indiana 12 3 4 1
Iowa 8 1 5 0
Kansas 5 0 4 0
Kentucky 22 10 34 1
Louisiana 22 3 40 4
Maine 1 0 0 0
Maryland 55 7 35 2
Massachusetts 132 11 114 6
Michigan 50 5 56 3
Minnesota 32 3 54 21
Mississippi 2 10 1 2
Missouri 41 6 47 4
Montana 4 0 0 1
Nebraska 4 7 24 12
Nevada 2 0 4 2
New Hampshire 7 5 10 0
New Jersey 31 2 16 6
New Mexico 5 2 5 1
New York 108 25 102 16
North Carolina 37 23 21 62
North Dakota 5 0 14 0
Ohio 63 19 53 13
Oklahoma 2 0 1 0
Oregon 16 9 25 4
Pennsylvania 76 4 59 17
Puerto Rico 2 4 0 4
Rhode Island 16 2 18 3
South Carolina 13 1 20 6
South Dakota 3 6 13 0
Tennessee 23 15 38 9
Texas 83 42 83 14
Utah 8 0 7 1
Vermont 7 1 11 0
Virginia 22 0 16 1
Washington 22 3 29 5
West Virginia 4 0 24 16
Wisconsin 36 2 24 0
Wyoming 1 2 2 0