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This Week in GeorgiaGov: Laws

Fireworks? Know the Law, Use Caution, and Be Courteous!

June 28, 2018

Georgians have enjoyed fireworks legally for three years now, but do you know the latest tweaks to the law? Find out what’s legal and how to be safe!

Hands-Free Law and Others Taking Effect July 1

June 25, 2018

The legislative session is over and done, and all that’s left to do is obey the new laws, most of which take effect July 1.

While many of this year’s new laws will have little or minor impact on Georgians’ day-to-day lives, there is one big act that could have a drastic effect on highway safety.

2018 Legislative Update

March 15, 2018

In two weeks, the 154th Georgia General Assembly will wrap up its work for the year, concluding the two-year legislative cycle. 

Georgia’s Opioid Epidemic and Ways to Get Help

December 12, 2017

Georgia is #11 in the U.S. with opioid overdose deaths. Fortunately, we have the education and training to slow down this terrible disease and save the lives of our loved ones.

Who Represents You, Part 2: US Legislators

May 9, 2017

Who speaks for you in the federal government? Learn about who creates US laws, and find out who represents you from Georgia.

Who Represents You, Part 1: State Legislators

May 2, 2017

Do you know who speaks for you in state government? Learn about who’s responsible for creating state laws, and find out who represents you in the Georgia General Assembly.

2017 Legislative Session Has Begun

January 10, 2017

We're back in session! See what to expect this Legislative Session and how to keep up with your top-priority bills.

Drivers and Vehicles, Part 3: Window Tint [Infographic]

September 13, 2016

Learn about window tint laws in this final piece of the driver and vehicle laws infographic.

Drivers and Vehicles, Part 2: Recurring Processes [Infographic]

September 6, 2016

As time goes on, you need to renew your driver's license and vehicle registration. Learn how!
