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Information for Industry FSOs

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  I am an FSO for a Defense Contract Company. When I call NBIB for the case status on one of my employees I am told that I am not an authorized contact, who can I contact for assistance?

Contractors in the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) who submit investigations to NBIB must contact the DSS-PSMO-I Knowledge Center at 888-282-7682 for questions concerning background investigations. DSS-PSMO-I maintains oversight of NISP investigations submitted to NBIB and is authorized to discuss case specific information with NBIB.


Q:  I received an email from or Is it real?

Perspecta is a contractor, previously named Key Point, which completes employment background investigation work for the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB). Perspecta sends emails out to individuals undergoing a U.S. Government background investigation to schedule interviews and clarify contact information.

A legitimate email from Perspecta will be from or and signed by "Case Support Team, Risk Decision Group".

Perspecta emails look similar to:

Date: Tue, Jan 1, 2018, 10:56 AM
Subject: Security Clearance Update
To: Subject of Investigation <>

Dear Subject of Investigation, 
[Email Content: This is where Perspecta with explain what is needed.]

Case Support Team, Risk Decision Group
O: 555.555.5555
[Address of Case Support Team]


Q:  A company is contacting me and asking me for information on behalf of the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB). How do I know the company is really affiliated with NBIB?

NBIB uses a number of contractors to help support NBIB's mission. As of November 2018, listed below are the contractors that you many come into contact with in the process of an employemnt background investigation. Please also note that these contractors may subcontract, however, those subcontractors are supposed to also identify themselves with the main contractor that has the contracting relationship with NBIB.

  • CACI
  • Perspecta
  • GDIT - General Dynamics Information Technology
  • Securitas
  • NTConcepts

If you are still unsure of the individual contacting you on behalf of NBIB, please contact the Investigator Verification/Complaint Hotline at 1-888-795-5673 or to verify the identity of our field staff.


Q:  My company needs to submit a public trust investigation to NBIB for a contact with a non-DOD agency. Can I submit an SF85P on JPAS?

The Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) only processes National Security investigations on the SF86 for the Department of Defense. Companies that need to clear personnel for contracts with non-DOD agencies should refer to the federal oversight at the sponsoring agency for instructions.


Q:  How can I verify the identity of an OPM/NBIB investigator?

Subjects, contacts, references, and agency security/HR personnel can contact the Investigator Verification/Complaint Hotline at 1-888-795-5673 or to verify the identity of our field staff or if they have questions or concerns about the line of questioning or actions of a field investigator.


Q:  Can I submit a hard copy SF85 to NBIB?

NBIB does not accept hard copy Standard Form submissions. Contractors should contact the federal oversight at the sponsoring agency for instructions on how to submit investigations to NBIB.


Q:  I am an FSO for a Defense Contract Company and I am concerned that my employee’s interim clearance is going to expire. What can I do?

Interim eligibility generally does not expire, pending the completion of the background investigation. However, you should refer to the federal oversight at the clearance-holding agency for detailed information and assistance with a subject’s clearance or eligibility. Defense contractors should contact the DSS-PSMO-I Knowledge Center at 888-282-7682 for assistance.


Q:  What type of investigation should I submit for my employee?

NBIB is an investigation provider and cannot determine which investigation type your sponsoring Federal agency should be submitting. Your sponsoring Federal agency will take into account the risk, sensitivity of the duties of the position, and any requirements for access to classified information to determine the appropriate level of investigation required for the position.


Q:  I have a prospective hire that tells me he completed an NBIB investigation for another federal agency a couple years ago. Can we use that investigation to clear him for our position?

Federal Reciprocity standards have been employed over the past several years to allow, in specific circumstances, agencies to clear personnel based off an investigation that was completed by another agency if the case meets or exceeds the requirements for the position for which the subject is being cleared. Contractors should contact their federal oversight to verify if a previously completed investigation meets standards for reciprocity.


Q:  I am a contractor and I would like to get access to CVS. How can I do that?

This activity is a government to government communication. NBIB’s customer agencies request, maintain, and control access to NBIB systems for their personnel. Authorized contacts at the customer agencies work directly with NBIB to maintain their staff’s accounts on our systems. Contractors requesting access to NBIB systems should refer to their sponsoring federal oversight for questions about any of NBIB’s systems.